@rcannon100 140714 wrote:
I believe compliance with a stop sign means coming to a full stop and putting one’s foot down. That apparently is the interpretation of many local police.
Putting one’s foot down is NOT in the statue. https://vacode.org/46.2-821/ If the officer wrote something to that effect in the ticket, then you should contest it.
You might try contesting it anyways. Many jurisdictions will reduce a ticket for various reasons if you show up at court, it is like a 50% chance with drivers. Or the officer might not show up to court and your ticket would be dismissed. My mother’s NY speeding ticket was reduced to parking tickets because the town she was pulled over in would have had to give all speeding ticket revenue to the state but could keep all parking ticket revenue for itself, not sure what VA’s rules on this are.
And good call about not fleeing, apparently they don’t like that and an enterprising officer might post a colleague down the trail. http://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title46.2/chapter8/section46.2-817/