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  • in reply to: Who says Cabis can’t go fast? #1032469

    With the new bike lanes, I have able to get the speed sensor sign Wilson Blvd to read 21 on a CaBi, but I can’t go down that hill for an hour.

    in reply to: Why bike on the left? #1032468

    @Emm 118370 wrote:

    I take the left on Madison Ave in the evenings all the time though to pass buses and stopped cars…

    Also the sharrow is labelled on the left around American History (I blame Howard Zinn)

    in reply to: W&OD at night #1032213

    this was the state of things a few years ago. But the things laid out there are still in the press release near the top of the NVRPA W&OD home page.


    Dr Gridlock reported earlier in the week that both the arrival and departure drawspan openings on the Wilson Bridge were going to be right around midnight.

    in reply to: Pentagon "desire path" #1031495

    @Dewey 117419 wrote:

    It would be good to connect the MVT with Long Bridge Park. In addition to extending the Desire Path they would need to install at-grade crosswalks across the 395 intersection cloverleaf roads and narrow Boundary Channel Drive/widen the sidewalk under 395.

    There’s a notional plan somewhere out there (beneath the pale blue sky?) to put a bike path on the replacement of the Long Bridge (the railroad bridge) that would have an interchange with the MVT and take the direct route to the Long Bridge Park high path (the one closest to the tracks). On the DC side it would connect directly to Maryland Avenue (again, up high).

    in reply to: My Evening Commute #1030493

    Northbound traffic has a stop sign. There’s no excuse for not slowing down enough to be able to look uphill to your left and yielding to downhill traffic, even it it involves coming to a complete stop because of the awkwardness of the turn.

    (there’s is also no excuse for people that try to pass at that intersection, coming from any direction)

    in reply to: Pit Stop on Columbia Island #1030270

    @dasgeh 115955 wrote:

    You did not just insult SoB.

    It’s not like it’s Wall Drug ;)

    in reply to: Caboose Brewing is open, finally! #1029911

    A similiar crowding occurs at Ashburn Road with the Carolina BBQ on a nice day. I think people just need to be mindful that a nice day draws crowds and the W&OD isn’t a sprint stage of the TdF.

    in reply to: Bike stations along GWMP may not be installed #1029394

    @Potomac Cyclist re: the mall & tourmoblie

    Wasn’t NPS still trying make that other bikesharing thing work even though it was pretty much defunct even by the time CaBi started up?

    in reply to: Bike stations along GWMP may not be installed #1029299

    @PotomacCyclist 115004 wrote:

    I think it’s the latter. Local representatives need to push back on this. One senator or rep from some Western or Southern state shouldn’t get to decide purely local Arlington/DC matters.

    NPS has long been a bunch foot draggers (with, now, the sole exception of the Potomac Yard land swap) independent on whomever’s in Congress.


    @PotomacCyclist 114478 wrote:

    I wouldn’t count on any major improvements for quite a while. I doubt they are going to do the major road work until the building construction is in its final stages. It wouldn’t make sense to do road renovations, then have the road get chewed up by heavy construction trucks. So my guess is that the road won’t be improved until the final months of Phase I, whenever that is. 2016? 2017? Later?

    Then again, it really didn’t make sense to build out that section of the nominal Anacostia river trail between 15th street and the fish market right before the rest of the connection to the Anacostia along the waterfront was going to get obliterated. (otoh, it probably won’t get too messed up by the construction itself).

    in reply to: April 2015 Trail Conditions #1028565

    There’s still a rather significant pothole on the L street cycle lane just east of NH ave (around here:https://goo.gl/maps/j0wcZ), got a pinch flat on my rear tire going over it this afternoon.

    Well, yeah, they aren’t going to oppose (or support, or otherwise comment on) stations that aren’t in their neighborhood.

    They *did* support a station in another neighborhood. The one they want to move from St Ann’s to down to the valley. They didn’t say, hey Harrison might be a little tight, why not move it around the corner? Or closer to the trail? Or a half-block away from the school? No, it’s in a completely different neighborhood.

    The one on the Bluemont trail? They didn’t offer any alternative at all, only a big no-go zone.

    @baiskeli 114085 wrote:

    No, the “close proximity” to homes, not just the general nature of the neighborhood.

    This is what they said, taken from the newsletter: http://www.bluemontcivic.org/newsletters/BCA_News_201504.pdf

    The BCA is also opposed to the location based on its close proximity to single family residences, the change in the neighborhood appearance, and potential parking complications.
    The stretch of the Bluemont Junction Park between N. Emerson and N. Jefferson traverses a narrow area that is close to single family homes which will be disproportionately affected by the look, use, and truck servicing of the station.

    Every part of Bluemont is either in close proximity to single family residences, or in the no-go area of the old rail right away green space. Every. Square. Inch.

    “Change in neighborhood appearance”. *That’s* the general nature of the neighborhood. I also suppose that nobody in Bluemont has ever had their garbage or yard waste picked up since county incorporation, since they don’t like “trucks” servicing their neighborhood.

    Meanwhile, why do single family residences get a pass on a panel van, but not multifamily residences? Van parked by the poors, who cares? Van by my McMansion (which, btw, had its construction materials carried in on the back of ants, because absolutely no big trucks were apparently involved.) May not be racism, but there’s something of a class privilege thing there.

    No, it’s not. Harrison is a major thoroughfare, despite being narrow, because it has a bridge over I-66 and connects to Lee Highway. It’s a legitimate concern, especially at that particular spot.

    My favorite thing from the newsletter is this

    BCA neighbors have made constructive suggestions and offered to work with BikeShare on reasonable alternative locations, including along Wilson Boulevard, where bike lanes will be created this Spring.

    So Harrison is a no good terrible very bad road. But Wilson Boulevard? Sure why not! even though the sidewalks are still going to be narrow, and the bike lane unprotected.

    So tell me again how awsomesauce the bluemont civic association is? Again, the same peeps that opposed the W&OD connection 15 years ago? “Oh, but we didn’t like it because it wasn’t perfect” is the excuse now for that. What will be the excuse 15 years from now?


    @baiskeli 114077 wrote:

    The proposed location is right on the border of Bluemont. And it doesn’t mean they want no stations in the neighborhood, just not the two proposed.[/quote]

    The only two stations annotated in the Bluemont neighborhood on the bikeshare expansion map are the two stations they oppose. They didn’t even pretend to make an alternative to the trail one.

    Their stated reason to oppose the stations are
    1) because of the single family nature of the neighborhood – which is all of Bluemont. (except for the slice on the east side of George Mason – which already has a bikeshare station – two if you count the one up by the old Blue Goose).
    2) because of roads with ‘heavy residential traffic’ – with traffic calming devices! – which again, is all of bluemont.
    3) because it would destroy our precious greenspace on the Bluemont trail.

    So, no bikeshare near single family detached, no bikeshare near roads, no bikeshare near trails.

    Clearly, they don’t want bikeshare, despite their “oh, but we SO wanted it in our conservation plan”.


    Bluemont Civic association hated the W&OD connection that went between Carlin Springs Road and Wilson Blvd too.

    They’re implicitly racist for criticizing the proposed location near St. Ann’s when (off the top of my head) Drew, Gunston, and TJ, have bike share stations adjacent to their property. There proposal for relocation it down to Bon Air puts it in the next neighborhood over. So they literally don’t want any bikeshare stations in their neighborhood. (as is revealed by the ‘single family’ characterization, and their history with the Soviet Safeway). (though to be fair, that location could use one too).

    To also be fair, now that Bikeshare is better at balancing the George Mason/Wilson station than it was during the first year or so, there isn’t as big of a need for a station between Kensington and that intersection. I would like to see one closer to the Caboose though, because that’s about the limit of a casual ride from Arlington Mill on Cabi. (and a non-casual ride would be able to reach to the Caboose from Barcroft park (i.e George Mason), or possibly even the Shirlington W&OD endpoint). In any case, there’s a rather visible N-S gap at the current western edge of the system ivo Arlington Forest and Glencarlyn.

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