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  • in reply to: Nearly Rear Ended on MVT Next to National #1072371

    And also be sure to signal as most bikes do not have brake lights.

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    in reply to: What’s your bad air quality strategy? #1071019

    Three letters… P.E.D. I prefer Albuterol

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    @VA2DC 159756 wrote:

    You wear a leather helmet and carry a football on your rides? Seriously, though, what do you do to bring traffic to a halt? :confused:

    Oh, I was referring to the Heisman Trophy gesture, simply hold my palm out assertively at the START of the crossing, watch motorists struggle with braking, make sure no rear-end collisions occur, then cross once the dust settles. Works surprisingly well!41d884d98b5d785794be8aafef0f3b2c.jpg

    Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk


    I recently started doing the Heisman when approaching a busy crosswalk i.e. GW Pkwy crossing from MVT to Memorial Bridge, it was far more effective than those flashing lights! I can stop motorist from 60 to 0 in 3 seconds flat!

    I also don’t wave thanks to motorists at crossings as I think it sends the wrong message; doing so makes it look like they’re doing me a favor. It’s like waving thanks to drivers waiting at a red light, they are required to stop!

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


    And your point is? The reality is that there are law breakers riding a bike, driving a vehicle, and walking on feet. I see this as a teaching moment for the kid, to look before crossing, and not just follow the signal. Relying on laws to protect you will kill you, every time.

    Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk


    I’ll be there. Thanks!

    in reply to: wheel theft #1067115

    Sorry about your wheels. I’m not a big fan of carrying bulky, heavy locks, so please take a look at this –

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

    in reply to: Team 14 gather round and sound off. #1066847

    Chuck and I are planning to do the Conte’s hill ride again tomorrow and wanted to see if anyone else would like to join us. More info can be found at the link below:

    The ride usually wraps up around 1000-1030. Last week they were kind enough to provide bagels and coffee afterwards. Come out if you can to enjoy the last day of this crazy warm weather!

    in reply to: Article: Ride Angry #1066598

    @anomad 155524 wrote:

    That’s an interesting article. A good blip of adrenaline can turn anyone from mister nice guy into someone else in a fraction of a second.

    I think it is possible to enjoy putting yourself at an acceptable level of risk with your dignity and civility in tact. Or maybe we’re all just a bunch of reckless adrenaline junkies waiting to explode?

    I suspect there a bit of latter in all of us. Besides, don’t we all ride for moments like this one?

    in reply to: W&OD Vending machines #1066265

    Here’s a conveyor vending machine I saw in Paris that should hold enough parts to build a whole bike, if needed. I think you can even tuck a mechanic in there.


    in reply to: Team 14 gather round and sound off. #1066254

    @chuxtr 155129 wrote:

    I will hook up with the ride at Glebe and Chesterbrook. Plan to peel off to go home after the country club climb. But may depart the flight pattern before that depending on what time it is. Have to be home NLT 1030 to have time to shower and change before taking my daughter to her golf lesson.

    Sounds great. Saturday weather should be pleasant for both riding and golf.

    in reply to: Team 14 gather round and sound off. #1066201

    Hi gang,
    I plan to ride out to this from FC and wanted to get the word out in case you are interested.

    in reply to: Team 14 gather round and sound off. #1066199

    @chuxtr 155014 wrote:

    Traded messages with Brian about the ride. Last week, they had five riders. Two who rode “off the front.” Two who were “off the back.” Brian rode in the middle. If he’s doing this anything like I do the Rev hill ride (and I think he is), you don’t have to be climber or a strong rider to do the ride. You just have to be a rider who wants to challenge him/herself, get stronger, and become a better climber. You don’t get better on the hills by not riding hills. :D No one gets left completely behind. Even if the ride leader is a stronger rider/better climber, he may still ride with you to help pace you, give you encouragement, and some tips on how to be a better climber (if you want them). So you shouldn’t be put off on doing this ride because you think it’s just for spindly types who seem to float up climbs.

    I told Brian if I ride that I’ll meet the group at Glebe and Chesterbrook. Their ETA there is 0845.

    I agree 100% that these rides do wonders to one’s climbing agility, certainly much better and quicker than doing so alone. Hope to see you on Saturday. So far this sounds very much like Tri360 ride, which is also a no drop ride and definitely not a hammerfest like the FB TNRs. I plan to ride from the shop, anyone else in on this and Caboose afterwards?

    in reply to: W&OD Vending machines #1066196

    One issue I see with bike parts vending is the item cost. Using similar vending machine markup, a tube would likely be in the $10-12 range. A light or multi tool would certainly be even more. These relatively high dollar items would likely be irresistible to vandals. Should security cameras be installed? Next is how one would pay for these? Cash? Not enough cash? How about credit card? Well, to handle credit card transactions, a POS terminal is required, now a phone line to the location is needed. What sort of revenue would be needed to justify these?

    I personally can’t see needing anything from a vending machine that I can’t carry or have myself. Having a properly maintained bike, charged phone, sensibly stocked saddle bag, and some basic bike repair skills will cover just about anything one may run into on the trail…well, perhaps not “run into”, maybe “run over”.

    As I’m sure WTOP commentator Chris Core would say if he’s a cyclist, “Being prepared when out riding is a Core value”

    in reply to: Going from a triple to a double – what don’t I know? #1066127

    @Harry Meatmotor 155036 wrote:


    We call them shifters (and if we’re getting fussy, we’ll call them integrated brake/shift combos. And further, if we’re talking only about Shimano, we simply call them STI levers). If we need to differentiate between the brake lever shifter combo on a mountain bike (yes, these do exist!) from a brake lever shifter combo on a drop bar road bike, we can say “drop bar shift lever” or “flat bar shifter combo”. If we’re being stodgy, we can say differentiate “bar end shifter” as being a different thing, for those who have touring bikes and choose to eschew indexed shifting.

    I can assure you that no where in any bike parts catalog is there anything called a “brifter”. It’s not slang that anyone outside of the sandle-wearing cycling bulletin board community uses. Call me ornery, but using the term “brifter” doesn’t actually refer to a specific part on a modern bike more than “chainwheel” of “handle horn” does.

    This is similar to calling SRAM “Ess-Ram”; or calling Campagnolo “Campag” (it’s Campy).

    Or calling Shimano “Shima-NO”.

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