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  • in reply to: Tuesday morning could be coldest day in D.C. in 20 years #990846

    @rcannon100 74216 wrote:

    You people are sick!


    I’d be interested in seeing the average number of miles ridden vs. the average temperature. No doubt there were many more short rides on those cold days.

    in reply to: Sleaze Riding #990843

    This is my favorite sleaze course. It takes me seven loops to get above the non-sleaze threshold.


    in reply to: Next rocket launch, Wed. Jan. 8, 1:32 pm ET #990838

    There’s an Android app that shows launch status. It also includes a compass showing the direction of Wallops Island from where you are.


    in reply to: Freezing Saddles Scoreboard backend "soft launch" #990351

    On the home page, the button Team Leaderboard (Chart) send you to the text page.

    in reply to: Trail Conditions — January 2014 #990203

    Rock Creek trail (from P Street north to Broad Branch) was clear this morning. However (at 7 am), the path through the zoo was closed.

    in reply to: 2014 Mileage Goals. #989714

    I finished with just over 4800 miles, so I think this year’s goal will be 5000 miles. And maybe ride a century for the first time this century.

    in reply to: Post your ride pics #989488

    I saw this near Valley Forge PA when visiting my parents. I wasn’t on my bike…and seeing this makes me a little reluctant to cycle on the PA roads.


    in reply to: Freezing Saddles Meet and Greet Happy Hour? #989169

    I should be there, enjoying the camaraderie (and the bonus points for cycling to Shirlington)

    in reply to: Missed connection #988960

    Is it me or is the trail crossing where Rock Creek Parkway meets Beach Drive getting more dangerous in the evening rush? On Tuesday, I was waiting to cross (going southbound) when a car stopped in the right lane to let me cross. A truck coming up behind in the left lane didn’t seem to notice the stopped car and came to a screeching halt as I was halfway across. A car behind the truck was going even faster and couldn’t stop in time, rear ending the truck. When is this intersection going to get a HAWK signal or its equivalent, like at the MVT crossing?


    And as an added bonus on Tuesday, I had an close encounter with a cab that was turning right on a red light at Q Street and 20th. I was in the left lane on Q Street to make a left on Connecticut. He couldn’t even stay in the right lane, despite the fact that he was continuing straight on Q Street. I had to pound on his window to get his attention.

    in reply to: * Freezing Saddles 2014 * #987553

    I’m signed up. Last year’s challenge really kept me on my bike during some of those cold, miserable days of winter. That helped put me at almost 5000 miles for the year. This was a big increase over last year’s 4100 miles, previously the most miles I’ve cycled a year.

    in reply to: Missed connection #987551

    @dbb 70865 wrote:

    You: Lady running north on the MVT between the inlet to Roaches Run and the Gravelly Point parking lot.
    Me: Cyclist behind you saying “Whoa” at my loudest traffic control volume when you did a Crazy Ivan this morning about 0630. That your running partner did one about 15 feet ahead of you was a clue to me that excitement was coming. Sorry (not really) if I startled you. Crazy Ivans at turns on the trail are just, well crazy.

    This is why I’ve gotten into the habit of always calling my passes. I want to not only minimize the possibility of a Crazy Ivan, but to also be snarky if they complain about getting buzzed.

    in reply to: "Flash Us" Forum Contest — Show us your lights! #986888

    Thanks, BA! Although it’s preaching to the choir here, anything to get people (cyclists, runners, pedestrians) to be more visible at night is a good thing.


    And there’s now an Android app that will point you in the direction of Wallops to watch the launch.

    in reply to: "Flash Us" Forum Contest — Show us your lights! #985899

    My bike set up with a dynamo driven B&M IQ Cyo R and taillight. I also have mini blinkers on my helmet (front and rear) more for attention. In the picture, the headlight isn’t at full strength, but is showing the “standlight” intensity. I’m also wearing a reflective vest.


    Here’s a video of my light in action on the road and trail. As Starduster mentioned above, you can see the sharp cutoff of the shaped beam. Unfortunately, my GoPro doesn’t have great low light sensitivity, so it doesn’t catch the spilled light outside the main beam that I can see while riding. You can get a sense of that with the way the signs are lit up, though.

    in reply to: Missed connection #985745

    Me: Heading south on the Rock Creek Park trail between the zoo entrance and the tunnel

    You: A deer, bolting across the bike path

    This was the closest I’ve come to hitting (or being hit) by a deer.


    Unfortunately, it continued running across Beach Drive. The bang at the 0:05 mark is when it got hit by a car.

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