Your latest bike purchase?

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    @huskerdont 210488 wrote:

    Beautiful. Welcome to the orange Soma club!

    It’s really only the cockpit that’s redone: swapped out the drop bars for a Jones loop bar.


    My new (to me) ancient Giant LaFree e-bike. It’s heavy, and the range isn’t great. But it got me up a lot of hills between Arlington and Bethesda. And given that bicycle is my major method of transportation, I really needed a spare bike.

    First trip, bringing it home:



    My latest purchase is an adult trailer-trike for my daughter. It ships from the UK and has been delayed for several months. The shipping squeeze is really bad.


    @baiskeli 211309 wrote:

    My latest purchase is an adult trailer-trike for my daughter. It ships from the UK and has been delayed for several months. The shipping squeeze is really bad.

    Yeah, all bikes, bike parts, and accessories have become harder to get since the pandemic. I was thrilled to find mine on NextDoor, so I could just take Lyft over and then ride it home.


    I’m going from a Riv-like bike to a real Rivendell!



    I don’t know if this counts as a purchases, but I backed RedShift Sports’ Arclight pedals on Kickstarter.

    They look interesting, seem like they could be useful, especially for winter commuting, and RedShift has some experience bringing bike products to market.

    Sharing in case anyone else is interested.[ATTACH]25374[/ATTACH]


    @dbehrend 211333 wrote:

    I don’t know if this counts as a purchases, but I backed RedShift Sports’ Arclight pedals on Kickstarter.

    They look interesting, seem like they could be useful, especially for winter commuting, and RedShift has some experience bringing bike products to market.

    Sharing in case anyone else is interested.[ATTACH]25374[/ATTACH]

    I also backed this campaign, since these look like they’d be useful for the whole family, and I’ve been very pleased with my other RedShift products (I have the ShockStop stems and seatposts on all three bikes, and am running the Kitchen Sink handlebars with the various add-ons on my one drop bar bike). Scheduled delivery is February, but given the state of the world, I’m not too focused on holding them to that.


    After 10 years I’d run the drive train on my old “everything bike” into the ground. I tossed around the idea of just adding a new bike but I really like how it fits and trying to buy a bike during the pandemic seemed…not fun. So after months of assembling parts from a half dozen different sources I turned my old 8×3 mechanical disk bike into a RX400-based 2×10 hydraulic disc bike with 46/30 up front and 11-32 in the back. Original range was 32-117 gear inches, new range is 25-112 gear inches. So a little off the top that I never used, and a low that can take a full load up a pretty serious slope at about the slowest speed that’s practical without falling over or being easier to just walk. Perfect range to spend the whole day on the big ring if I’m out by myself on the road, or on the little ring if I’m toodling along with the family on trails. Also added inline levers for the bar top, highly recommended for a bike that spends a lot of time on shared trails. Shifting is crisp, brake feel is smooth, gearing is just right–shimano finally made what I was looking for when they put together the GRX line, without having to agonize over what combination of road & mountain & non-series components will work properly together.

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