WABA December 2020 Fundraiser

Our Community Forums General Discussion WABA December 2020 Fundraiser

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  • #922099

    Good morning,

    A number of folks who have ridden WABA in the Wild from Cumberland, Maryland to Washington have teamed up to match your donations to WABA. This is an opportunity to double the impact of your donation, up to the match of $10,000!

    Please make a donation to WABA today, and help us match your contribution.

    WABA plays an essential role in the multi-jurisdictional environment where we live and ride. The only way it can do those things we all benefit from is through donations from riders. So, if you are not a member, please join. If you are a member, renew today. Regardless, please donate.

    Donating is easy. Just go to http://waba.org/give

    Thanks to everybody.



    You are awesome, dbb! I just donated. But I must say it’s a little confusing that the WABA “donate” page redirects to the “join” page. What if someone just wants to donate without becoming a member?


    Or if a member wants to throw in a few more bucks?


    Yeah, it’s a bit confusing. They changed things up a bit this year whereby anyone who donates becomes a member. They’ve historically also extended membership terms based on donation amounts, but I’m not sure how that works now. https://waba.org/blog/2020/10/introducing-pay-what-you-can-membership/ has the details on their new model.



    I just got a note from WABA that said they scored 93 donations today, totaling $13,642. That was matched ($10,000) by the WABA in the Wild alumni so it seems to have been a good day for WABA.

    If you donated, thank you. If you missed this opportunity, please go to WABA’s site and give what you can. They play a critical role in our cycling happiness.


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