Veterans Day Ride – November 11th

Our Community Forums Events Veterans Day Ride – November 11th

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  • #1091061

    @bikesnick 182492 wrote:

    A commemoration for WWI casualties is the Peace Cross in Bladensburg. The memorial has been involved in court cases (separation of church and state) and last Friday the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case.

    Oooh that’s interesting. I don’t venture much off the trail in Bladensburg so I wouldn’t have found this. Thank you!

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    I’ll be there. Thanks for organizing Judd!


    I’m in. [ATTACH=CONFIG]18559[/ATTACH]


    Too cool! I’m sorry to miss it going to be out of town for my birthday (the 26th minute of the 14th hour, of the 9th day, of the 11th month). If it were on the holiday I could join up, but the symbolism of the armistice anniversary is just too awesome to not commend and endorse!

    Thanks for visiting the Merchant Marine memorial! Its an unsung part of the service. In order to sail my dad had to pledge an oath to the constitution, and should we go to war, his ship could be “drafted” and sent to the front at any time. (In fact, one the ships in the fleet he sails with ended up serving in WWII because of this.)


    The District of Columbia’s *own* memorial to its residents who served and died in “The Great War”, as it was called back then, has always been one of my favorite minor monuments in DC. I have always included it on my Papillon Cycles Monuments at Night rides. This pic from 2014, shortly after it was restored and refurbished: [ATTACH=CONFIG]18570[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]18571[/ATTACH]


    @Starduster 182684 wrote:

    The District of Columbia’s *own* memorial to its residents who served and died in “The Great War”, as it was called back then, has already been one of my favorite minor monuments in DC. I have always included it on my Papillon Cycles Monuments at Night rides. This pic from 2014, shortly after it was restored and refurbished: [ATTACH=CONFIG]18570[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]18571[/ATTACH]

    This is the stop I’m most looking forward to tomorrow because I’ve only ridden past and never stopped.

    Great pictures!

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    @Judd 182686 wrote:

    This is the stop I’m most looking forward to tomorrow because I’ve only ridden past and never stopped.

    Great pictures!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Thanks for organizing and leading this Judd. Props also for making sure the weather turned out beautiful.

    I haven’t had a chance to go through the pix, but I downloaded a few to the phone. I’m afraid the group shot is a little blurry, but I’ll find out for sure when I download to a laptop.

    Here are a few…






    Three *excellent* photos, drevil!


    Here’s the album of the pix I took:

    And here are a few from it:

    Group Shot by ricky d, on Flickr

    Judd Giving Us the Lowdown by ricky d, on Flickr

    Iwo Jima Memorial by ricky d, on Flickr

    Bob James

    Many thanks to Judd for organizing the Veterans Day ride and incorporating my farewell ride as well. I really appreciated the going away gifts of awesome cow socks and an incredibly, amazing and memory filled scrapbook of many
    of the rides, events and coffee clubs I had the pleasure of participating in. It will be a life long keepsake to remember all my supportive and wonderful friends in the DC area biking community. Thank you to all who
    contributed to the scrapbook, and special thanks to Komorebi for putting it together (my wife who is an avid scrapbooker, was impressed on how well it was done).

    While I’ll be living and biking far away in the wintry wonderland of Michigan, I look forward to staying in touch on Strava and in this forum.

    Bob James

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