Tech Help – Freeze Points

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Tech Help – Freeze Points

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    First, my apoligies for starting a new topic.  I spent some time both in this forum and on the FS webpate looking for how to contact people for tech help, but wherever it is, I missed it.

    My ride last Sunday generated no freeze points for me, only individual points.  I think I have stumbled onto the reason why – my ride, loops near my home, fell entirely within the Strava privacy screen – which I had unfortunately adjusted on Saturday.  I am guessing that causes the FS program not to see the geography of my ride, and therefore not to be able to figure out the starting temperature.

    My Saturday ride, which came just a wee bit outside of the privacy range, was read properly.

    If possible, I’d really appreciate it if the program could re-read my Sunday ride and give me the ~50 freeze points that I should have had recorded.

    I’m no hot (cold?) rider looking to shoot up a leaderboard.  It would be nice to be above the median for the freeze points – my individual points won’t be for sure.  I have found myself willing at times to seek out the cold and this is a way for me to be motivated to ride – I’m not riding on a team.

    Please let me know if there is anything I need to do on my end.

    ID: Janusz Mrozek

    currently at 147.6 freeze points



    Realistically it is unlikely that we will find a remedy for this one, so you might need to be content with the freezing knowledge that you biked in the cold and that makes you made of sterner stuff than the average cyclist. We don’t mess with geographic coordinates of rides, there would be no end of tweaking and poking at individuals rides otherwise, and if Strava doesn’t send us geolocation data for a ride there’s not much we can do about it.

    Also, most of the leaderboards will convert to team participants only with the exception of which you will land on once teams are assigned, if you are not on a team. I would encourage you to reconsider joining a competition team – even if you only ride 20 miles the whole competition you are embodying the spirit of the game here!

    This is an all-ages (14+) all-abilities event and it is supposed to be fun for everyone first and foremost.


    Bummer, obscure… . I will simply know that I have ~50 more freeze than tabulated – instead of being #144 as of this writing, I know I am truly # 128!

    As for teams, I will reconsider, if only that I can continue to see my freeze points, to which I have taken a liking this go around,  I do find that the “competition” brings out my competitive nature and makes me want to ride more, but not necessarily in a good way.  That has happened to some extent with freeze points as I have done some night rides for the sole purpose of taking advantage of sub-30 temps.  But, I do feel that is getting into the spirit of the event.

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