Team 12 Unite!

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  • #1063769

    I have added tonight’s group ride to the Freezing Saddles Google calendar. I will also add it to the forum calendar.


    @creadinger 152207 wrote:

    Question for you guys that ride literally every day for years – do you ever go away? I missed January 1st this year because my wife and I were in Philly visiting her sister. No bikes to be had and no where to ride them which would not have been a hassle for everyone. Oh well.

    Hey Chris – Teresa and I have traveled a fair amount and have navigated getting bikes pretty well.

    We went to France in summer 2015 and rented bikes from a great guy in Paris. He owns Paris Bike Company and is an american from Ohio.

    Teresa works for a french company and she goes a few times/year and he has a bike waiting for her at her hotel every trip (ooh la la).

    In November, we went to Florida to visit her parents and rented bikes from a local shop.

    In December, we went back to Florida to ride from Miami to Key West. We rented bikes from a great shop in Miami.

    Over the holidays, we went to Paris and Berlin. In Paris, I rented the french Citibike equivalent, called Velib.

    In Berlin, we borrowed my daughter’s and her boyfriend’s bikes, but many of the convenience stores have bikes for daily rental for 12 euro.

    We’ve also shipped bikes to destinations and brought them on the plane with us. Renting seems to be the easiest option, but does take a little advance planning and finding a decent shop.



    Hi all!

    I think when I first looked I did not see our thread because it was on a second page of topics (I posted on the Strava club first). I’m good with the team name suggestion! Other than Sausage Party (because the movie was an unfortunate disappointment) and looks like I am the lone chick on Team 12. I think I came across that biking term somewhere… “get chicked” when a gal passes you ;-)

    This is my first year riding Freezing Saddles after I bought cold weather gear, listened to my coworker talk about FS all last year while promptly not using any of said cold weather gear. I got into cycling via triathlon and into bike commuting thanks to safe track. I live in Rose Hill Alexandria, aka the “Eisenhower Ave Connector Bike Path” if you’ve been there and commute to Crystal City. So far going 16 days strong, even if it’s just a 1 mile in my neighborhood on the weekend.

    Sorry to miss out on the ride on the 13th! I’ll keep an eye out for future events. Anyone here go to the Crystal City Coffee meet up I’m going to try and go to tomorrow?


    All right, The Corporation it is! I’ll update the Strava club name and find the best soul-crushing clean, corporate image I can find for our group :)

    On Rose Hill, I am familiar with that area. I prefer using the Eisenhower Ave connector to the awful & narrow Van Dorn St path when going on rides to and including Telegraph Rd, Franconia-Springfield Pkwy Trail, Fairfax Co Pkwy Trail, and Occoquan.

    I’ll be out of town (NJ/NY) for the rest of the week starting tomorrow, but I hope to get a ride organized when I return. Good idea on having bike rentals set up for each step of a multi-destination trip! I’ll be using a 3-day Citibike pass to ensure I don’t miss any ride days.


    Hey, Dave Beavers here. Just wanted to say howdy to Team 12 from the far-flung corners of Bristow / Manassas. Long time listener, second-time player in the Frozen Chamois Classique. Dreaming of someday moving back to Arlington, but I work out here on the suburban frontier. Save a seat for me at a bar in Ballston. I’ll be there in five years.
    Good luck to everyone. I’d love to ride with you on some weekend. If anyone is interested in coming out west, let me know. Otherwise, I’m up for a ride inside the beltway some time.

    Steve O

    @beaversd 152992 wrote:

    I’d love to ride with you on some weekend. If anyone is interested in coming out west, let me know.

    Check out the doughnut ride this Friday, just in case you have the day off or can play hooky. It’s out your way.


    @Steve O 152997 wrote:

    Check out the doughnut ride this Friday, just in case you have the day off or can play hooky. It’s out your way.

    As posted on the Awfulish Freezing Saddles Calendar. :P

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    It seems that Team 12 has been granted an alternate. I guess this means that now i’ll start taking the long way to work…

    Happy to join the team!


    A bit more about me: I commute from Takoma Park MD to Arlington VA every day (now that classes have started). I’ll start taking the long route (18 miles each way) now that I’m in BAFS and do it daily as long as there isn’t snow or ice. Once the CCT/Georgetown Branch get covered by ice, I start cutting through the city, so that’ll cut down my commuting mileage. Now that I’m in, I’ll also do my best to ride a mile a day. I have no qualms with sleaze rides!

    I’ll also see what I can do about sabotaging some of the other big mileage riders that live my way in MD. ;)


    @ebubar 153110 wrote:

    I’ll also see what I can do about sabotaging some of the other big mileage riders that live my way in MD. ;)

    Yay, we got Eric! You’ll be great, and welcome to the team!

    By sabotage, do you mean maybe stealing a Mr. Williams’ chain when he’s not looking? That would be a good prank.


    @creadinger 153122 wrote:

    By sabotage, do you mean maybe stealing a Mr. Williams’ chain when he’s not looking? That would be a good prank.

    Take off his pedals? ;)


    @dkel 153130 wrote:

    Take off his pedals? ;)

    I was thinking more of a Nancy Kerrigan/Tonya Harding approach? I think Williams would somehow manage to do 200 miles without a chain or pedals. Would be difficult if we kneecap him!


    @creadinger 153122 wrote:

    Yay, we got Eric! You’ll be great, and welcome to the team!

    By sabotage, do you mean maybe stealing a Mr. Williams’ chain when he’s not looking? That would be a good prank.

    Thanks for the welcome! I’ve missed a few days due to travel and finalizing the 5 year process to get promotion/tenure. The tentative decision is positive and
    there’s literally no more I can do towards it as of this past weekend. Note the increase in riding as a result! I should be good for a steady 100-150 points a week.
    Not high points, but consistent!

    I’m thinking maybe I’ll create a Garmin-specific EMP and hide it one his bike somewhere. Trigger it whenever he goes on obscene rides of 200 miles in 20 degrees.

    Brett L.

    This video feels appropriate

    Harry Meatmotor

    Is it bad that whenever our thread pops up to the top of the page, all I see is:

    “Team 12 UNTIE”

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