Greta Ann (NoVaNoobGA) and I are sponsoring the tandem prize again! Tag your tandem rides with #Tandem and we’ll award prizes to the people who do the most tandem rides. If you ride with someone who is blind or visually impaired or with a kid, tag your ride with #TandemVI or #TandemKid for double points. We enjoy tandem biking because even if our other friends leave us behind, we still have a friend to bike with! If you don’t have a tandem or need someone to ride tandem with you, the Metro Washington Association of Blind Athletes (MWABA) can help! Our January ride is on January 11th in Eastern Market (sign up here: and we’re happy to train new captains. We’ll post other rides on and you can also message one of us or email at gmail if you’d like to ride with MWABA!