Studly question

Our Community Forums Bikes & Equipment Studly question

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    @KelOnWheels 72332 wrote:

    So I’m thinking of turning the MTB into a snow bike, as I haven’t touched the poor thing since getting the Space Horse.

    Schwalbe Marathon Winters or Nokian Hakreiwrewjihewihrisadjksppslslslslslslssttts?

    Ask the russians: who does better in snow, the germans or the finns? ‘Nuf said.


    @mstone 72334 wrote:

    Ask the russians: who does better in snow, the germans or the finns? ‘Nuf said.

    ELITE history lesson.


    @KelOnWheels 72332 wrote:

    So I’m thinking of turning the MTB into a snow bike, as I haven’t touched the poor thing since getting the Space Horse.

    Schwalbe Marathon Winters or Nokian Hakreiwrewjihewihrisadjksppslslslslslslssttts?

    I have the Nokians and love them. That said, you get whichever you find on sale.


    @KelOnWheels 72332 wrote:

    So I’m thinking of turning the MTB into a snow bike, as I haven’t touched the poor thing since getting the Space Horse.

    Schwalbe Marathon Winters or Nokian Hakreiwrewjihewihrisadjksppslslslslslslssttts?

    I ran the Nokians W105s (in 700c x35mm guise) for several years on the cyclocross bike. Sold them to a friend when I got rid of that bike and picked up a set of 26″ marathon winters for my touring bike as replacements. Overall I prefer the marathons. They have 4 rows of studs rather than two and a little more tread for the snow and slush that usually accompanies any weather that requires studs in this area, while IMO not giving up anything in the way of rolling resistance. Both will do ok, but the Marathons would definitely get my nod if your commute includes any MUPs.

    Bear in mind that despite having the Marathons for three years, I only have a few days of actual riding on them. :)


    @mstone 72334 wrote:

    Ask the russians: who does better in snow, the germans or the finns? ‘Nuf said.

    Define “better.” Fighting and eventually getting rolled back, or hanging out the Tervetuloa! sign and drinking your Lakka?


    Apropos of tires, how does one tell what range of tire widths one can run on a particular rim?


    @KelOnWheels 72362 wrote:

    Apropos of tires, how does one tell what range of tire widths one can run on a particular rim?

    You can consult but it’s really conservative. In practice, it would be unusual to be able to cram a tire into a frame that’s too wide for the wheel that came with the frame.


    Oh, I dunno why I didn’t just think to Sheldon it, of course :D


    Always ask Sheldon. If you can’t find the answer, ask here so someone can give you the direct link to Sheldon’s answer.


    @hozn 71707 wrote:

    Out-of-focus photo from a couple days ago that illustrates what apparently can happen to the studs (getting pried out). I took this before trying to fix

    This is usually an easy fix — just poke at the exposed base of the stud with something like a narrow slotted screwdriver to re-seat it. A couple times I’ve noticed half-gone studs like this on the front tire. If you watch the tire spin, you’ll notice that a stud like this is brighter because more metal is showing. With fenders of course it’s much harder to spot this on the rear. And as I think Peter White noted, it’s no big deal to lose a few.




    Gonna need new fenders!

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