Reported Post by viennabiker

Our Community Forums Moderators Reported Post by viennabiker

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    viennabiker has reported a post.


    By the standards of the internet, this post may seem unexceptional, but it quite literally ridicules the views of other contributors. In general, the poster uses words like “stupid,” “douche,” “idiotic” and even “bitch” to refer to others–sometimes other posters. A while back, when I posted something indicating that tolerance for bright lights decreases with age, he replied with a mocking message–at that time, and after a few other interactions, I decided to stop posting on any topic on this forum in which there were different points of view. I hope a gentle notice to this poster can discourage him/her from using derisive language. Thank you.

    Post: Virginia governor issues stay-at-home order
    Forum: General Discussion
    Assigned Moderators: N/A

    Posted by: mstone
    Original Content:

    @dasgeh 199886 wrote:

    When you live in a house or even a townhome that has its own separate outdoor space, it’s easy to say “just stick to *your* space if there are no safe options”. But lots of people in this area live in high rises. They don’t have their own outdoor space. To get fresh air and exercise (both important for health), they have to go out. The point a lot of us are making is this: we don’t need to dedicate so much space to cars right now. Cars aren’t using it. We can instead dedicate that space to giving people an option to walk, run, bike, BE outside, in fresh air, but separate from others.

    I’m not concerned with closing a lane on (e.g.) Military Road, which runs through neighborhoods of mostly SFHs, and is flanked by neighborhood streets. But Lynn and Fort Myer, Four Mile Run Drive, Joyce and Hayes, etc — those streets that run through areas with lots of multifamily housing — We should use the space that we don’t need for cars right now and use it like trails – open to people walking, running, scooting, and biking, where people later on that list have to yield to people earlier on that list.

    It’s a ridiculous ask to have DOT people out putting up cones so people can play outside right now. I’m sorry, I don’t believe that the sidewalks anywhere in the region (that is, not desirable destinations that people are flocking to and causing the closures) are so crowded that they are life-threatening.

    Advocacy is great, but at some point it’s counterproductive. Making “needs more bike space” the answer to every problem just makes that solution less credible when it actually is appropriate.

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