Our Community › Forums › Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition › Pointless Prize – Photography Contest
First submission: Entitled: “Returning Home to Darby” *
* An ongoing series
BTW this is Darby:
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@Jessica Hirschhorn 196379 wrote:
Help! I’ve fallen and can’t get up. Cannot figure out how to make this upright.
[IMG]https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200115/f40eb73c502704b7a17371af324a3132.plist[/IMG] Artsy Fartsy? Only the Cycling Shadow knows for sure…
Sent from Boomer_Cycles via my iPhone using Tapatalk
[IMG]https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200115/dddab6149596ed5063df3ffef316cd8b.plist[/IMG] That moment while #beerneuring that you realize that you didn’t turn Strava on … and no longer care.
for photo contest….[ATTACH=CONFIG]20821[/ATTACH]
Freezing Saddles ’20 by ricky d, on Flickr
@drevil 197364 wrote:
Oooh you have a left-hand drive bike
@josh 197389 wrote:
Ha! Shhhh… I, er, bought the bike in Australia where everything is upside-down and leftside-right
Met Branch Trail After Dark