Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Pointless Prize METRO PEAK PIONEER

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  • #1094428

    Must have been due to the snow. I’ve also reverse commuted in morning rush hour from Ballston out to Merrifield. There were rarely any other people on the elevator that went down from the street to the outbound platform. (I did this pre-Metro’s change in rules, with my folding bike. I got on at Ballston rather than closer in [my preferred station is Clarendon], because that direct elevator in Ballston bypasses the main turnstiles (and workers) and sometimes I could get on the train without having to fold up the bike. Glad that’s past.)

    @josh 185868 wrote:

    I gave in and took the metro today. Here’s an orange bike on the silver line:

    I have a reverse commute (from Ballston to Wiehle-Reston), and I was in the system from 8:15 until 8:50 or so. The biggest pain was taking the elevator down from the street because there were a lot of other people doing the same (without bikes). I didn’t see any other bikes. There did seem to be more people on the train than there have been when I’ve ridden at similar times in the past, and I’m wondering if that’s due to the snow. Might do this again on my evening commute, depending on how much the trail (or maybe roads) clear up.


    @LeprosyStudyGroup 184894 wrote:

    SurlyTed and I would like to celebrate the recent news that DC Metro is now finally allowing bikes on trains during peak hours by sponsoring a new freezing saddles pointless prize competition.

    This winter’s your chance to demonstrate that You are the KOM/QOM of METRO’S PEAK hours by going multi-modal and riding both your trusty rusty bikey and a smokey brokey subway on into work.

    To score a point, ride your bike to or from a metro station and post a picture of your bike from that ride on the train during the newly opened peak hours (5 to 10 am and 3 to 7 pm weekdays). You should pause the strava ride while you’re in the system so nothing weird happens to your gps/ride data. Put hashtag #bafsmetro in your ride to show up on the leaderboard, or post the pic and link to the ride here in this thread (hell, your impressions of the experience would be appreciated too).

    The person who proves multi-modal the most times will be the Metro Peak Pioneer and win a prize to be stoked about!

    Rides that use the #bafsmetro hashtag will tally here:

    Drat. I’m probably missed out on at least 4 rides (two days of commuting) as I 1 – missed this, 2 – only had my fly cameras going. (maybe a still from approaching a station? and 3 – I split my strava and run it as two rides. one to geton station and one from getoff station.

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