Pointless Prize: Decasleaze

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Pointless Prize: Decasleaze

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    A Decasleaze is a day consisting of one or more rides that are, collectively at least 10 miles, but less than 11 miles. These rides yield between 65-66 points, the optimal point on our scoring graph for maximizing your points without having to bike a huge amount.

    While a regular Sleaze day (a day consisting of one or more rides totaling at least one mile, but less than two) is considered by enthusiasts with a faint whiff of disdain, the Declasleaze day is the respectable alternative..

    I’m going to award a Decasleaze prize for the person who rides the most rides greater than or equal to 10 miles, but less than 11 miles. Ties will be decided on who has the most points from Decasleaze days.

    The winner gets 10 of something that will be a surprise, I’ll figure out what is thematically on point and appropriate for an open multi-age group closer to our closing happy hour.

    I’d encourage folks to hashtag the ride that takes you over the 10 mile mark with #decasleaze if you ride at least 10 but less than 11 miles in a day. That said, the hashtags are not going to be the official scoring mechanism, that’s going to be Merlin’s excellent Decasleaze leaderboard, and its counting of Decasleaze points.

    For the complete min-maxers out there, the ideal goal would be to ride 10.99 miles (but not 11) every day of the competition.

    (I will be ineligible for this prize of course, last year almost every day I rode was a Decasleaze day, since my goal was at least 10 miles per day. Also, my goals are higher this year… 1000 miles by March 19th, 2025)


    Darn, I went a smidge to far on Day 1


    Thank you for sponsoring. I added your prize to the Pointless Prize Topic 2025.


    What a great idea, Richard! Thanks 🤩🎊🥳


    Do you want us to hashtag our rides or report anything here?

    Brandon Wetzel

    I was thinking of sponsoring a similar “optimal efficiency” prize!! Very fun idea, glad you posted this


    Brandon, I’ve actually been thinking about this for a while, if you want to sponsor it we can make it live this year.

    Check out the Bonus Completist Prize #231 issue. There are a maximum of 55 bonus points available every day… but you have to ride at least 10 miles a day to get all of them. We haven’t built the leaderboard for this yet but could totally do it if you wanted to sponsor it.

    We also have the Points Per Mile pointless prize leaderboard, that is unsponsored so far this year. That’s more geared towards getting the most points for the least amount of miles.


    consularrider, you are welcome to and encouraged to hashtag the rides #decasleaze, that will make the tag cloud on the home page glow. Feel free to report your rides here if there is something notable about the Decasleaze, but only if that increases the fun for you.

    It is not necessary to win, that will be determined by the official Decasleaze leaderboard.


    Funny, I’ve disappeared from the Decasleze leaderboard, but am on three others.  As of Tuesday, 1/28, I have 16 decasleaze days, no idea of the decasleze points


    @obscurerichard sorry to comment off-topic, but not sure the best way to reach you otherwise. The slack link i get from you reports that the URL is invalid. Even if i just sign into Slack and try to accept the invite it presents after sign-in, it claims it’s invalid. Perhaps it’s expired.

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