We have a fun-filled meeting tonight. 7pm 2100 Clarendon Blvd 3rd floor. Agenda is below. All are welcome.
Previously approved minutes can be found on the BAC’s webpage: https://commissions.arlingtonva.us/bicycle-advisory-committee/
Thanks. Hope to see you there.
7:00pm Introductions, etc.
7:05pm BAC Presentation on update of the Bicycle Element of the Master Transportation Plan by Ritch Viola, Planning Section Supervisor, DES/DOT
7:35pm Dockless Bikeshare
7:45pm Snow Clearing
8:00pm Update on Projects: Benjamin Banneker Park detour; Custis projects coordination; Bollard in N Fairfax Drive cycletrack
8:15pm Update on posting for bicycle/pedestrian program manager job (Dave Goodman’s)
8:30pm Budget priorities
8:45pm Planning for December BAC:
Questions for Arlington County Police Department
8:55pm New business
9:00pm Adjourn