My Morning Commute

Our Community Forums Commuters My Morning Commute

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    I saw PeteD on Custis on my way to work — he’s everywhere!


    … was one of those mornings where you hit every light on the Custis downhill green.


    @dasgeh 84644 wrote:

    … was one of those mornings where you hit every light on the Custis downhill green.

    all my mornings have been like that since i took your advice and started waiting for the green at the top


    @americancyclo 84646 wrote:

    all my mornings have been like that since i took your advice and started waiting for the green at the top

    :-) Good point. Though today I even hit that one green. Beautiful day.


    man, F me!

    Got a flat (rear tire) on the MBT yesterday evening from some staples. Changed my flat, and had a good ride to Beltsville/Silver Spring. This morning, I went and topped off my tire with air and thought, “Maybe I should top off the front tire, too…..Naaa, I just topped it off yesterday.”

    Ughh. My drive way is short and steep and the street is narror, so you have to start your turn while you are still on the driveway. I noticed that “thud” as soon as a started turning. Lost control of the bike and laid her down. My knee is nice and scrapped up. Changed the tire and continued in. I had no more spare tubes, so I really rolled the dice riding in. Maybe I will check out that bicyclespace shop on my way home, but what’s the best way to get from there to the MBT?


    @guga31bb 84641 wrote:

    I saw PeteD on Custis on my way to work — he’s everywhere!

    That’s due to the HeisenDirt Uncertainty Principle.



    @dasgeh 84644 wrote:

    … was one of those mornings where you hit every light on the Custis downhill green.

    That was me behind you — I was going to say hi if we ever stopped at a light but it never happened =D


    @guga31bb 84656 wrote:

    That was me behind you — I was going to say hi if we ever stopped at a light but it never happened =D

    Oh no! Since I stop at lights, I am almost always passed on that stretch. Today was the first day in a while that I wasn’t passed, and I was feeling kinda proud of myself (I’ve been getting faster in the last few weeks, for no obvious reason. Except that my speed correlates with temperature, again, for no obvious reason.). Now I’m sad that I couldn’t say hi.

    But man, I smoked you :-)

    Boo Boo

    Took the Cross-County Trail rather than the W&OD – wonderful solitude and only a few soggy spots



    Got in just fine, no spills, yay!

    Realized it was a bit chill for shorts, changed, so left a bit late.

    Whole trip was smooth. I am more used to riding with the (light) traffic on NJ Avenue. Decided to go NJ to Tingey to 3rd, rather than negotiate the sidewalk on M Street. That makes the ride slightly longer, but avoids waiting at the light to cross NJ (Tingey has no light and a vehicular left is nice and easy)

    Total time was 37 minutes, and that was from the end of the Pentagon metro bus platform all the way to when I dismounted in the garage. So I think my best time yet? getting closer to matching the metrorail time on a bad but not disastrous metro day. Also this will mean getting three bike commutes in BEFORE BTWD.

    Harry Meatmotor

    Today’s ride in:



    Only 1 bug in my mouth this morning after getting 4 last night with another in my ear. I try to think of it as being a protein supplement.


    @vern 85089 wrote:

    Only 1 bug in my mouth this morning after getting 4 last night with another in my ear. I try to think of it as being a protein supplement.

    Yesterday I experienced a large, buzzing thing entering my helmet at high velocity, through one of the vents. It creeped me out so much I had to stop.


    Hit the Crystal City Bike to Work Week pitstop again this morning and saw all the usual suspects who were there yesterday :D

    It makes it really hard to actually GO to work when you’re in a nice park drinking free coffee and all your bike friends are showing up… they should do that every day! :)

    My legs are gonna be so dead by Friday…


    @dkel 85091 wrote:

    Yesterday I experienced a large, buzzing thing entering my helmet at high velocity, through one of the vents. It creeped me out so much I had to stop.

    I pulled a spider off of my face yesterday on my ride home. Had I not been biking on the street in busy traffic I probably would have completely freaked out. I do NOT like spiders :-/

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