MVT Near the Airport

Our Community Forums Road and Trail Conditions MVT Near the Airport

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  • #922087

    If there was the possibility of one major trail improvement on the Mount Vernon Trail near the airport, what would you like to see? Below are items that are contained in various NPS reports.

    1. Improve the junction of Mount Vernon Trail and Four Mile Run Trail. A traffic circle was proposed as a solution in the National Capital Paved Trails report and the Mount Vernon Trail Corridor Safety study.
    2. Straightening, widening and repaving of the trail from Four Mile Run northward. The Trail Safety study identified the curves and pavement conditions at the south end of the airport has a contributor to a number of crashes.
    3. Improved crossing of the ramp from the airport to the Parkway (it’s that one where trail users have a stop sign, but cars often yield, but sometimes they don’t)
    4. Gravelly Point bypass trail. There’s a concept to create a trail on the west side of Gravelly Point to allow through traffic to avoid the large amount of plane watchers and picnickers.
    5. Something else?


    1st choice #2, 2nd choice #4.






    @SarahBee 203027 wrote:

    1st choice #2, 2nd choice #4.

    I’m with SarahBee


    Use shrubbery to provide a screen between the Parkway and the trail, from Gravelly to the first flyover bridge and again at either end of the 4MR bridge. Riding south, headlights blind riders. Also, they back light trail traffic making trail users very hard to see. I have had several close calls because of this. Also, I saw a pedestrian get nailed by a bike at the south end of the 4MR bridge.

    There used to be shrubbery along the stretch immediately next to the auxiliary runway but it was removed a long time ago.


    6) Drop the speed limit on the Parkway to 25 and put speed cameras every 100 yards.
    7) Make the trail wide enough so that two roadies in going in opposite directions can pass two CaBi tourists going in opposite directions and no one remembers it happened 5 minutes later
    8) Repave the awful section just south of the 14th St Bridge
    9) Put the entire trail under the domain of someone who understands trail users
    10) Don’t invite the person who suggested a traffic circle to any more meetings
    11) Yeah, 2 and 4 sound good to me too


    @jrenaut 203032 wrote:

    6) Drop the speed limit on the Parkway to 25 and put speed cameras every 100 yards.

    Drop the speed limit on the Parkway to 25 and put speed cameras every 100 yards randomly in the traffic lanes. FIFY


    @dbb 203035 wrote:

    Drop the speed limit on the Parkway to 25 and put speed cameras every 100 yards randomly in the traffic lanes. FIFY

    we prefer the term “bollard”


    @Rootchopper 203031 wrote:

    Use shrubbery to provide a screen between the Parkway and the trail, from Gravelly to the first flyover bridge and again at either end of the 4MR bridge. Riding south, headlights blind riders. Also, they back light trail traffic making trail users very hard to see. I have had several close calls because of this. Also, I saw a pedestrian get nailed by a bike at the south end of the 4MR bridge.

    There used to be shrubbery along the stretch immediately next to the auxiliary runway but it was removed a long time ago.

    The headlight issue is definitely on my list and vegetation management is an activity the Friends are allowed to do. There is a spot where I consistently ride off the trail at night. Do you happen to have any pictures of the old shrubbery?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    @Judd 203037 wrote:

    The headlight issue is definitely on my list and vegetation management is an activity the Friends are allowed to do. There is a spot where I consistently ride off the trail at night. Do you happen to have any pictures of the old shrubbery?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I thought this was just me. What a relief- I seriously thought I was having major night blindness issues.

    Steve O

    @Rootchopper 203031 wrote:

    Use shrubbery to provide a screen between the Parkway and the trail, from Gravelly to the first flyover bridge and again at either end of the 4MR bridge. Riding south, headlights blind riders. Also, they back light trail traffic making trail users very hard to see. I have had several close calls because of this. Also, I saw a pedestrian get nailed by a bike at the south end of the 4MR bridge.

    There used to be shrubbery along the stretch immediately next to the auxiliary runway but it was removed a long time ago.

    Yes, I remember that. Now, with the headlights blinding me, I have to ride that section with my eyes closed.


    See what happens if one more person types or quotes “shrubbery”


    I don’t. It wasn’t continuous but it was better than nothing.

    I usually ride this section with one hand shielding my eyes.


    @Judd 203037 wrote:

    The headlight issue is definitely on my list and vegetation management is an activity the Friends are allowed to do.

    @jrenaut 203044 wrote:

    See what happens if one more person types or quotes “shrubbery”

    One that looks nice, and not too expensive!

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