Monuments and Memorials Pointless Prize

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    “Good Defeats Evil” a Monument to Peace in the UN Headquarters compound. The dragon is shown lying amid the actual broken pieces of Soviet SS-20 and U.S. Pershing missiles.



    I realize that this picture is not worthy of posting in here, but I’m posting it for a clarification of rules.

    This was a memorial bench for a former Mayor of New Windsor, MD (who actually did quite a few good things for the town. I looked up who he was and what he did). It also had my LFL, and I’m lazy that way.

    I did post another picture on my Strava feed for this game(which is also not worthy of posting here). lol, and the whole reason for this is that my planned sign has been taken down to be refurbished. I had to wing it the rest of the ride to try and find something!

    For the future, would something like this be acceptable?

    Thanks for your help (and sponsoring this). I enjoy stuff like this.





    George Washington Masonic Memorial
    101 Callahan Drive
    Alexandria, Virginia

    Dedicated to the memory of the first president of the United States. Construction on the memorial began in 1922 and was dedicated in 1932.


    Chuck Brown memorial park, NE DC
    An interactive memorial for the godfather of go-go. Not certain if the motion sensors still work, but the site is cool.

    From the project site:
    “The sculpture consists of three abstract representations; one of Mr. Brown and two dancers. The three pieces are located within two circular areas (a stage and a dance floor respectively) that are enclosed by short bench walls. The overall piece is interactive and allows the visitor to experience the go-go “call and response” through LED lights that are activated through motion pads and/or motion sensors throughout the piece.”


    This plaque commemorates the history of Cartersville Baptist Church, located near the intersection of Hunter Mill Rd and Sunrise Valley Dr in Reston. The church was originally constructed on land donated by Rose Carter for a church in 1903. In 1951 the original church structure was rebuilt, and then again after a fire in 1972. The church still serves as a place of worship for descendants of the original congregation.


    @consularrider 212570 wrote:

    “Good Defeats Evil” a Monument to Peace in the UN Headquarters compound. The dragon is shown lying amid the actual broken pieces of Soviet SS-20 and U.S. Pershing missiles.


    Wow!! So very cool!

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    @AlanA 212583 wrote:

    I realize that this picture is not worthy of posting in here, but I’m posting it for a clarification of rules.

    This was a memorial bench for a former Mayor of New Windsor, MD (who actually did quite a few good things for the town. I looked up who he was and what he did). It also had my LFL, and I’m lazy that way.

    I did post another picture on my Strava feed for this game(which is also not worthy of posting here). lol, and the whole reason for this is that my planned sign has been taken down to be refurbished. I had to wing it the rest of the ride to try and find something!

    For the future, would something like this be acceptable?

    Thanks for your help (and sponsoring this). I enjoy stuff like this.


    A park bench qualifies since it includes the word “memory” as a memorial.

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    Picture of the Pentagon FROM the Air Force Memorial. Not sure if I’m following any of the rules. Midnight approaches.

    Stupid photo won’t post. Oops, think I got the photo, but my bike isn’t in the picture.


    @HokieBeth 212626 wrote:

    A park bench qualifies since it includes the word “memory” as a memorial.

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    I’ve been wondering about “Ghost” bikes. Occasionally they’ll have the cyclist’s name, but in NYC most don’t while there may be a small sign saying a cyclist was killed there.

    Steve O

    Will Rogers Memorial Park in Beverly Hills, CA

    [FONT=&quot]Will Rogers Park opened in 1915 as the first municipal park in the City, at that time called Sunset Park. In 1926, entertainer Will Rogers was appointed first “Honorary Mayor” of Beverly Hills and, in 1952, the City renamed the Park, Will Rogers Memorial Park.





    1/6/2022 Monuments. The locomotive pictured fixed the railways that connected rural towns back in the day! This town (Pozo de Guadalajara, Spain) had a whole park and monument to remember the men that worked that very hard and tedious job! febe8f5f345fcaeec25ee74f2f54e06d.jpg

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    This monument of Confucius is on the George Mason Campus in Fairfax. It was a gift from the Confucian Academy of Hong Kong and was “Dedicated in Recognition of Valued Partnerships in Business, Entrepreneurship and Education”.






    This monument is placed at the graves of four men who died in the pursuit of John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Abraham Lincoln.

    In memory of
    Peter Carroll
    Samuel N. Gosnell
    Geo. W. Huntington
    Christopher Farley
    Who lost their lives on April 24, 1865
    While in pursuit of Booth the assassin
    Of our beloved President
    Abraham Lincoln

    Alexandria National Cemetery
    1450 Wilkes Street


    A memorial for all Mt. Airy, MD people who have served in the Armed Forces. This was found at the historic Pine Grove Chapel on Main St. in Mt. Airy. It’s also a Civil War site.



    Great Hunger Memorial by Woodsland Lake, Elmsford, NY. This is close to mm 9 on the South County Trailway and otherwise is only accessible from a defunct rest stop on the Sawmill Parkway. The other side is I-87.


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