Missed connection

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    You: The guy along the MVT this AM right here who seemed to be using a small garden trowel to collect a water bottle full of the soil/sand runoff that collects there.

    What were you doing that for? Curious minds want to know!:confused:

    At first I saw you on your knees at the side of the trail and your bike a few feet away and was going to slow to offer assistance with a bike repair, but that was not necessary.


    @baiskeli 64352 wrote:

    Also, jogger on the trail, don’t salmon, especially between me and pedestrians I’m passing. It’s stupid.

    Does this mean you were passing with oncoming traffic?


    Um, I’m THAT fast. Duh.

    @baiskeli 64378 wrote:

    What, you’re going to pass and drop him?


    @DCAKen 64386 wrote:

    Does this mean you were passing with oncoming traffic?

    I was about to pass pedestrians who were in the right, traveling the same direction as me, where they should be. Jogger is in our lane (the right) but salmoning–going the wrong way, and approaching us. He squeezes between me and the pedestrians as I pass. I didn’t know if he was going to move over to my left, in front of me, to get to where he’s supposed to be, or pass the pedestrians on their right or left, or what. Which is why he shouldn’t be there.


    @Rando Guy 64388 wrote:

    Um, I’m THAT fast. Duh.

    You’re some kind of Peter Pan cyclist who can pass his own shadow. Dang. Of course, if you don’t pay attention, your shadow might drop you too. That could look bad.

    Can you draft on your shadow too?


    You: Dude in a white Lexus station wagon, northbound on Kenwood Ave between Osage and Fern (behind the plaza with the Spokes, Etc.) this morning.

    Me: Guy on a bike, riding safely and legally outside of the door zone.

    As best I can tell, you were angry that I was not hugging the parked cars, so you laid on the horn while intentionally buzzing me with your mirrors. You came within inches of me, even though you had plenty of room to pass, nor any real need to pass since there was a stop sign right ahead and you were turning left. I yelled at you at the stop sign for being reckless, and you proceeded to flip me off.

    I think you are a jerk, and I do not like you. I hope you feel that idiotic maneuver was worth the fraction of a second (literally) that you saved getting to the stop sign.


    Me: in a bright orange jacket (fashionable DKNY orange, not safety orange, but it will do) entering the sharrowed lane in the 1100 block of L St from the L St bike lane.

    You: the jackhole in the truck that felt it was necessary to tap on your horn multiple times behind me.

    I really like the way you floored it and aggressively pulled into the middle lane. It got you to that red light an entire 5 seconds faster than me and you ended up behind 2 cars instead of 1. Well done sir!


    @nikki_d 64416 wrote:

    …It got you to that red light an entire 5 seconds faster than me and you ended up behind 2 cars instead of 1. Well done sir!

    Karma! :D


    @Popsicleian 64414 wrote:

    You: Dude in a white Lexus station wagon, northbound on Kenwood Ave between Osage and Fern (behind the plaza with the Spokes, Etc.) this morning.

    Me: Guy on a bike, riding safely and legally outside of the door zone.

    As best I can tell, you were angry that I was not hugging the parked cars, so you laid on the horn while intentionally buzzing me with your mirrors. You came within inches of me, even though you had plenty of room to pass, nor any real need to pass since there was a stop sign right ahead and you were turning left. I yelled at you at the stop sign for being reckless, and you proceeded to flip me off.

    I think you are a jerk, and I do not like you. I hope you feel that idiotic maneuver was worth the fraction of a second (literally) that you saved getting to the stop sign.

    His life is his punishment… enjoy your ride…


    @dasgeh 64422 wrote:

    His life is his punishment

    Yep. To wit: white Lexus station wagon.


    @baiskeli 64424 wrote:

    Yep. To wit: white Lexus station wagon.

    I guess “they” can’t all be out on bikes.


    I have a delivery right here. says the illegal parker while he smokes by thetejon, on Flickr

    I stopped and pulled out my camera, took this photo, then started moving again. As I passed his open window, he gave me a “come on, man” gesture with his hands.

    “It’s not a parking space”. I said.

    “I have a delivery right here!” He exclaimed, smoke billowing from his mouth and his cigarette.

    “Doesn’t matter what you’re doing, it’s still not a parking space”.

    I rode on. I heard his engine start before the light at Mass went green.


    I’ve been following up on my “Fiat Missed Connection” bike commuting experience and have heard back from ACPD. My message has gone from the city council member to the Arlington Bike and Pedestrian advocate and is now being investigated by the ACPD. I have been told the process that will occur, a report will be written and disciplinary action taken if the conduct is found to be unprofessional. On the legal side, I was sent the appropriate VA Code and, based on my email, it didn’t seem like I had qualified for any of the exceptions to not riding as far right as practicable. I have followed up to clarify if that stretch of Glebe is considered “sub-standard width” which would allow me to legally take the lane. I’m not sure how anyone could argue a bike and car can safely occupy the same lane in that area, but I will report back here to let you know what the ACPD considers legal along this stretch of road. Personally, i’ve been avoiding it all together and doing hill climbing training along Military Road. Time to start fighting for new bike lane paint and repaving of the mess of cracks and potholes that I encounter along there!


    From the pic he looks like The Dude smoking a joint. His comment “come on, man”, helps to complete the picture for me. Did he also have a white russian??

    Naturally I read that whole exchange as a conversation between The Dude and Walter, which means you are Walter. “Shut the f*&% up, Donny!”


    @creadinger 64434 wrote:

    From the pic he looks like The Dude smoking a joint.

    He was abiding.

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