Let’s talk about e scooters

Our Community Forums General Discussion Let’s talk about e scooters

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  • #1098834

    From Critical Rider Hamburg Facebook page:

    Elektro Roller für Alle! GEIL!
    Finde ich total klasse, ist genau die richtige Initiative für Hamburg. Die reiche Hansetorte kauft sich einfach ein bisschen Elektro-Image ein. Ich hör’ schon panisch “Roooobert!”, wenn lauffaule Mitbürger mit dem Gleichgewichtssinn einer Chipstüte durch den urbanen Orbit summen. Problem-Bären auf Tretrollern. Die sollten dann lieber Moja fahren. Mit 20km/h auf einem Tretroller – mein Schulkumpel Werner musste für sein 25 km/h-Kreidler-Mofa noch einen kompletten Führerschein machen!!! Oh my Flow!

    Erst Umwelthauptstadt, dann Fahrradstadt, jetzt E-Roller-City? Ein weiterer, riesiger Berg Elektro-Sondermüllschrott – das ist nur doof, überhaupt nicht nachhaltig und ökologisch vertretbar. Einfach auf Krampf, irgendwie mitreden wollen und cool sein wollen. Das ist das Hamburg, dass ich überhaupt nicht ausstehen kann!

    Hamburg Mama, schwing Deinen Hintern auf ein Fahrrad, fahre nur so schnell, wie es Deine Muckis und dein FlowKopf zulassen – tue wirklich etwas nachhaltig Gutes für Deine Gesundheit, für die Gesundheit Deiner Kinder, für die Gesundheit Deiner Stadt, statt auf einem E-Roller wertvolle Energie zu verschwenden und eine neue Spalte in der Unfallstatistik zu generieren!

    Und echt jetzt: warum überhaupt bewegen? “Alexa bring‘ Pizza!” Geht doch.

    Electric Scooter for everyone! Awesome!
    If I find total class, it’s exactly the right initiative for Hamburg. The rich hanse cake is just buying a bit of electric image. I’m already panicking ” Robert!”, when run lazy fellow citizens buzzing through urban orbit with the balance of a bag. Problem Bears on tretrollern. They should rather drive moja. With 20 km / h on a kickbike – my school buddy Werner had to make a complete driving license for his 25 km / H-Kreidler-moped!!! Oh my flow!

    First Environmental Capital, then drive radstadt, now e-Roller City? Another huge mountain of electric waste scrap – that’s just stupid, not sustainable and ecologically justifiable at all. Just on cramp, somehow want to talk and want to be cool. This is the Hamburg that I can’t stand at all!

    Hamburg mom, swing your butt on a bike, drive only as fast as it allows your brawns and your flow head – do really something sustainable good for your health, for the health of your children, for the health of your city, instead of on an e – to waste scooters valuable energy and generate a new column in the statistics!

    And real now: why move at all? ” Alexa bring ‘ pizza!” go.


    @peterw_diy 190983 wrote:

    Which would mean that at many intersections with mere stop signs it would often not be legal to proceed due to poor sight lines. Shoot, there are intersections where even on a bike, without six feet of hood and dashboard in front of the rider, it’s difficult to check cross traffic from behind the stop line. It’s absurd to expect people to follow such laws.

    I don’t think it’s absurd for RTOR. Just wait.


    @lordofthemark 191007 wrote:

    But meanwhile I will advocate for remedies, especially ones like bike lanes and parking corrals that daylight intersections that have other benefits. And I will oppose unfair criticism of scooters that appear to to criticize them for things we accept in autos.

    There’s an “improperly Parked” e-scooter thread on my Del Ray, Nextdoor app right now. All kinds of people advocating to saw it in half or throw it in the street or set it on fire or call the police… Only a few useful suggestions like move it 3 feet so it’s not in your way. I had to mention that at least it was a dockless scooter and not a dockless car blocking the sidewalk because you actually can move the scooter.

    It’s off topic, so I have refrained from advocating setting improperly parked dockless cars on fire but most commentors seem to think the e-scooters are the absolute devil. There also seems to be an illegitimate fear that e-scooters are universally ridden by unruly teenagers and once you get a few in your neighborhood the TPing, lighting poo on fire, and bricks through windows is sure to follow. WTF.

    EDIT: I should mention that the initial question was probably innocent from someone who’s legitimately not sure – Like, “How is the city handling this? Should I I report it or not?” The replies have mostly been useless.


    @creadinger 191086 wrote:

    There’s an “improperly Parked” e-scooter thread on my Del Ray, Nextdoor app right now. All kinds of people advocating to saw it in half or throw it in the street or set it on fire or call the police… Only a few useful suggestions like move it 3 feet so it’s not in your way. I had to mention that at least it was a dockless scooter and not a dockless car blocking the sidewalk because you actually can move the scooter.

    It’s off topic, so I have refrained from advocating setting improperly parked dockless cars on fire but most commentors seem to think the e-scooters are the absolute devil. There also seems to be an illegitimate fear that e-scooters are universally ridden by unruly teenagers and once you get a few in your neighborhood the TPing, lighting poo on fire, and bricks through windows is sure to follow. WTF.

    EDIT: I should mention that the initial question was probably innocent from someone who’s legitimately not sure – Like, “How is the city handling this? Should I I report it or not?” The replies have mostly been useless.

    Note on Next Door people in nearby neighborhoods can see the thread too – so you are probably getting the Old Town crowd as well – quite a few of those folks are on the warpath about escooters.


    @lordofthemark 191088 wrote:

    Note on Next Door people in nearby neighborhoods can see the thread too – so you are probably getting the Old Town crowd as well – quite a few of those folks are on the warpath about escooters.

    In my experience there was always someone on the warpath about something on nextdoor, my solution was to leave.


    @mstone 191103 wrote:

    In my experience there was always someone on the warpath about something on nextdoor, my solution was to leave.

    I came for the classifieds, stayed for the package theft videos


    @mstone 191103 wrote:

    In my experience there was always someone on the warpath about something on nextdoor, my solution was to leave.

    Oh its not just nextdoor, its on the FB pages of the Mayor and all the hyper local new sites, it’s at Council meetings, etc.

    BTW, last night as I was walking home, the crosswalk was blocked by a car at North Hampton and Strutfield – not parked, the driver was there – but not waiting to turn – I think he was an Uber driver checking his phone. No better place to do that than right across the crosswalk I guess.


    @dasgeh 190926 wrote:


    Cars can’t be picked up and moved aside, so I’d say if the inconsiderate have to get around, I rather have them on scooters.

    Except I was referencing complaints I’ve seen on this forum about hooligans who don’t park their dockless bikeshares where we want them to.

    Some of the “Two wheels good, but only a certain type of two wheels and if it doesn’t fit my definition of the ‘right’ two wheels then they’re The Devil” comments I’ve seen on this forum over the years just amaze me.


    In case you don’t read all the posts and double posts, we’ll talk about escooters (and ebikes and bike parking and Army Navy Drive) at the June 3, 2019 Arlington BAC meeting.


    @creadinger 191086 wrote:

    There’s an “improperly Parked” e-scooter thread on my Del Ray, Nextdoor app right now. All kinds of people advocating to saw it in half or throw it in the street or set it on fire or call the police… Only a few useful suggestions like move it 3 feet so it’s not in your way.

    One can only hope that news of a scooter catching fire in DC, and causing minor damage to a nearby wall, tempered your neighbors’ alarmist comments.



    @dasgeh 191132 wrote:

    In case you don’t read all the posts and double posts, we’ll talk about escooters (and ebikes and bike parking and Army Navy Drive) at the June 3, 2019 Arlington BAC meeting.

    Good to see that the Army Navy Drive plans are at 30% design.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    I absolutely love e-scooters. As a cyclist, I am finally not the most-hated mode user. People really seem to enjoy complaining about them.


    @huskerdont 191182 wrote:

    I absolutely love e-scooters. As a cyclist, I am finally not the most-hated mode user. People really seem to enjoy complaining about them.

    Ha! Just wait for the pogo sticks!!



    @secstate 191183 wrote:

    Ha! Just wait for the pogo sticks!!


    Or you can just walk.

    My kids have one, and to say they have a high learning curve would be an understatement.


    When you have to insist that your company isn’t a hoax, you might have gone a niche too far.

    My idea: e-stilts.

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 213 total)
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