I Raced The Rain

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    I raced the rain home tonight.

    As the clouds got darker, I decided to take the long way home. Still no rain.

    I stopped early for stop lights and waited a little extra at stop signs. Still no rain.

    I went out of my way to get more cat food, which I don’t immediately need. It got darker, but still no rain.

    My hopes peaked as the wind picked up and temps dropped. Still no rain.

    Got home…. still not a drop even though the clouds were black and it was as dark as night. I was grumpy.

    Luckily my wife wasn’t home and I could go to the store for wine. I FINALLY got dumped on royally on my ride home from the store. Soaking wet and with a HUGE smile on my face, I pulled the bike into the barn.

    I WON!!!


    I had to work late, and raced both the rain and bedtime. Ended up making it home in my fastest time ever, besting my e-assisted commutes by 5 minutes, more than 10% (of rolling time, thanks Strava). Got to put one of two to bed, and beat the torrential downpour by about 6 minutes. Hooray for motivation.

    Oh, and I was on my road bike, with my only “boost button” in my legs. :-)


    When I left for play rehearsal tonight, it was merely hot and humid. When I started home, it was raining a little. By the time I got home, a) my bike was making a wake on the road, and b) the thunder and lightning were coming so close together I was mentally trying to calculate my chances of being struck by lightning. Sorry, but even as a rule #5 devotee, I’d just as soon arrive home alive!

    Riley Casey

    Everything is better with wine. I barely managed a few drops with nought but salad and yogurt in the panniers. Did have a menacingly green and grey sky though, love riding with the wind scudding in odd bursts and directions.


    @Riley Casey 88209 wrote:

    Everything is better with wine.

    Only if it’s a wine made of hops and barley that has bubbles in it. ;)


    @cvcalhoun 88172 wrote:

    When I left for play rehearsal tonight, it was merely hot and humid. When I started home, it was raining a little. By the time I got home, a) my bike was making a wake on the road, and b) the thunder and lightning were coming so close together I was mentally trying to calculate my chances of being struck by lightning. Sorry, but even as a rule #5 devotee, I’d just as soon arrive home alive!

    Rule #9!


    Rule 9 is the one about French kissing a rabid mongoose, right?


    @Dirt 88168 wrote:

    I raced the rain home tonight.

    I WON!!!

    Riding in the rain is sexy. Except for the chafing.

    Helpful reminders: Butter your chamois and lube your cleat — especially important as we get older.


    @Dirt 88213 wrote:

    Rule 9 is the one about French kissing a rabid mongoose, right?

    Is that a DO, or a DON’T?

    Steve O

    @Greenbelt 88216 wrote:

    Butter your chamois and lube your cleat

    Is that a euphemism?


    @Steve O 88231 wrote:

    Is that a euphemism?

    A mongoose maybe?


    And it’s happening all over again. Anyone feel like we’re in “Ground Hog Day?”


    @americancyclo 88228 wrote:

    Is that a DO, or a DON’T?

    Great question. I’m actually not sure about that. I always had it in the “don’t” department, but I’m kind of closed minded about such things. I’m not really down with the kids of today. ;)

    What were we talking about?



    @consularrider 88234 wrote:

    And it’s happening all over again. Anyone feel like we’re in “Ground Hog Day?”

    It was a blast today. When the squall hit, I was doing outreach in Crystal City. I had a HUGE golf umbrella. I walked with people between the Shoppes and the VRE station. They could fit under my umbrella as long as they talked about how awesome Crystal City is as a bike destination and took a map. Not sure if I made any converts, but the captive audience was kinda fun and about 15 people stayed dry on their dash to the VRE.


    I looked outside this afternoon and saw all that rain, then got excited and put on my awesome rain gear…just in time for the rain to stop! I was hot, steamy, and miserable all the way home. Dang it!

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