H street open east of GW University

Our Community Forums Road and Trail Conditions H street open east of GW University

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    And it only took 25 years.:rolleyes:

    Steve O

    @DismalScientist 193697 wrote:

    And it only took 25 years.:rolleyes:

    Wouldn’t it have been nice to open it up to non-car traffic only. The automobile drivers had already adjusted entirely. Creative urban planners could have created a nice urban space for people walking, scooting, cycling, etc.. One can dream.


    What’s at the east end of it – an all way stop sign? I always found crossing 19th St to be a little hairy – there are crosswalks but they’re generally ignored.


    @Tania 193712 wrote:

    What’s at the east end of it – an all way stop sign? I always found crossing 19th St to be a little hairy – there are crosswalks but they’re generally ignored.

    19th does not have a stop sign. You have to be very bold in those crosswalks to get drivers to stop.


    Used it coming back from lunch today. It’s been so long I forgot how nice it was as an alternative to the rest of Pennsylvania. Timing was perfect on 19th–hit it just after the light changed upstream. A nice routing option until they decide to close it again for a few more years.

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