#FS2015 Photo Contest

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  • #1020403

    I should make a chart correlating temp and precipitation with photo counts too! :)


    Freezing Saddles Flickr pool https://www.flickr.com/groups/2803234@N23/

    Not connected to HOZN’s toys or the contest ~ just a flicker pool


    @Alcova cyclist 105104 wrote:


    I got Instagram–>strava working (although it doesn’t do a great job of picking the right activity to link to if you’ve done multiple rides in one day)

    Now I just have to figure out how to get my handiwork to show up on the freezingsaddles.com home page where it belongs :-)

    I think my problem might be caused by posting the picture to instagram after FS has already imported the Strava data. Even if the picture later gets associated with a particular ride, there’s no trigger to sweep in the picture data since FS already has ingested the strava activity. For example, I took a picture on my morning ride, but didn’t post it to instagram right away (and hadn’t linked my strava & instagram accounts at that point anyway). Now that my accounts are linked, I’ll have to take and post a picture on the ride home and see if that manages to find its way to the website.

    I don’t know if that’s really something that needs to be “fixed” on the website… but lunkheads like me need to understand how to make it work.

    I went ahead and provided a mechanism to fix this — you can specify that you want photos refetched for a ride. See http://bikearlingtonforum.com/showthread.php?8081-New-quot-My-Rides-quot-feature-on-the-scoreboard-website

    I don’t know off-hand when (how often) that happens; refetches may have been set for just nightly, though that code may run every 20-30 mins. Obviously the testing of this feature has been extensive :)

    Boomer Cycles

    Hi Hozn, mi instagram pics mysteriously stopped synching to my Strava rides on Feb 1st. I have tried to manually “resynch” them through the FS leaderboard “logon” button by pulling down my personal ride data, twice, but it still isn’t working right. I’m using the #BAFS2015 hashtag on my instagram fotos, FYI. What am I doing wrong?


    @Boomer2U 108206 wrote:

    Hi Hozn, mi instagram pics mysteriously stopped synching to my Strava rides on Feb 1st. I have tried to manually “resynch” them through the FS leaderboard “logon” button by pulling down my personal ride data, twice, but it still isn’t working right. I’m using the #BAFS2015 hashtag on my instagram fotos, FYI. What am I doing wrong?

    Do your photos show up on your strava feed? If not, that is the problem. You might need to disconnect your instagram account from strava and reconnect. I have had to do that recently. It immediately finds all the photos.


    @americancyclo 105060 wrote:

    The hashtag #BAFS2015 is only for instagram. There is no direct connection to the Freezing Saddles website.

    I believe that the photo has to be on instagram and associated with a ride on strava.

    To link your strava and instagram accounts:

    go to your Strava Profile>Settings>Social Connections.

    authorize there and photos should start showing up on your strava rides. this probably doesn’t work with manually entered rides.

    I’ve had the same issue. My pics are associated with Strava and show up with my ride there but no longer appear in the FS feed. Not sure what happened.

    Boomer Cycles

    @hozn 108208 wrote:

    Do your photos show up on your strava feed? If not, that is the problem. You might need to disconnect your instagram account from strava and reconnect. I have had to do that recently. It immediately finds all the photos.

    My Instagram photos stopped showing up on my Strava feed after 1/31. I just disconnected, and then reconnected my Instagram and Strava accounts, and then went to the FS Web page to resynch my photos and rides. That worked for one ride on Feb 7th, but then didn’t work for the Instagram pics from my rides on Feb 4th or 11th. Don’t ask me why????


    I can’t say that I speak for Subby, but I am not depending on the freezingsaddles website for the Photo Contest. From my point of view, the connection to the website is purely for vanity reasons.

    Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I wanted to make sure that people know that I’ll be pulling images directly from instagram for the contest. So don’t worry about that part, if that’s what keeps you up at night.


    Yeah, what americancyclo said. There may be a bug in the sync (likely!), but the rides showing up in Strava that is a prereq for FS.

    Boomer Cycles

    @Boomer2U 108224 wrote:

    My Instagram photos stopped showing up on my Strava feed after 1/31. I just disconnected, and then reconnected my Instagram and Strava accounts, and then went to the FS Web page to resynch my photos and rides. That worked for one ride on Feb 7th, but then didn’t work for the Instagram pics from my rides on Feb 4th or 11th. Don’t ask me why????

    It’s now working after delinking and relinking my Strava feed & Instagram. Looks like it just needed to be reset for some reason.

    Boomer Cycles

    @Boomer2U 108322 wrote:

    It’s now working after delinking and relinking my Strava feed & Instagram. Looks like it just needed to be reset for some reason.

    Spoke too soon, the link just seems to be very moody, and works sporadically, with no discernable pattern. Ghosts in the machine?


    I would like to nominate Chris’ photo as my favorite of BAFS15!

    See it here (make sure you click on it and read the caption)


    This should take you straight to the instagram https://instagram.com/p/zXf6w_sos0/?modal=true


    @americancyclo 108228 wrote:

    I can’t say that I speak for Subby, but I am not depending on the freezingsaddles website for the Photo Contest. From my point of view, the connection to the website is purely for vanity reasons.

    Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I wanted to make sure that people know that I’ll be pulling images directly from instagram for the contest. So don’t worry about that part, if that’s what keeps you up at night.

    I am very glad to hear this, because as far as I could tell these many days, my photos have never shown up on the FS page, but they do show up in Instagram under #bafs2015. :)

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