Freezing Saddles Pointless Prizes

Our Community Forums Commuters Freezing Saddles Pointless Prizes

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    @Bilsko 47121 wrote:

    Just an analysis of equivalency. And I’ve gone out to those places a handful of times by car so I think they count well enough – maybe not as commute detours, but certainly as leisure activities.

    And I’ve driven to Hains Point, but I didn’t go around 30 times.


    –This is based on Hozn’s data, which only has people that were on teams.

    BAFS folks rode 80% of all rides on a Weekday, 20% on the Weekend, though 27% of all mileage was put in on the weekends.
    We averaged 64 rides a day during the week, and 41 rides a day on the weekend.
    Average ride length on the weekday was 11.39 miles, while it was 16.95 on the weekend.

    We climbed up the Virginia Lane hill 471 times, but only completed 41 Arlington Loops. We crossed over the 14th Street Bridge 813 times, and did 608 laps at Hains Point.

    589 rides were shorter than 2 miles, which were 13% of all rides. Whether they be sleaze or errands is up to the rider. By comparison (and reminder, all this excludes Dirt and anyone NOT on a team) there were 22 centuries.

    Hozn’s got some other things on his site ( Pretty much anyone who commuted on January 23rd rode on the coldest day (


    @vvill 47081 wrote:

    So I compiled some of my more pointless stats. Add your own!

    Miles ridden January 1- March 20, 2012: 11
    Miles ridden January 1- March 20, 2013: 1163


    @acl 47216 wrote:

    Miles ridden January 1- March 20, 2012: 11
    Miles ridden January 1- March 20, 2013: 1163

    There should have been a HUGE prize for that one.

    Justin Antos

    Freezing Saddles really opened up my mental bike map, and the city too. One of the best parts of Strava was seeing how others got around – seeing your routes on a map was inspiring.

    Rides January 1 – March 20, 2012: I crossed the Beltway twice, never crossed the Anacostia, and Arlington was all trails.


    Rides during Freezing Saddles:


    Justin Antos

    Mapping thing is here – Type in your Strava number and a date range!


    I was boring and predictable.

    Justin Antos

    @DismalScientist 47230 wrote:

    I was boring and predictable.

    And that last one?? :)


    Joe Ordinary (almost) — you can see who likes to stay on the trails!

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