Freezing Saddles Pointless Prizes

Our Community Forums Commuters Freezing Saddles Pointless Prizes

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    @Dickie 46566 wrote:

    Yourite….. OK, so I will be there to award the prize(s)…. I will take nominations via PM until noon on March 21st.

    Blond Mustache – Most polite rider
    Black Mustache – Rider dealing with least polite situation or fellow rider
    Pink Mustache – Person who buys me my first beer

    You can self nominate, or nominate others.

    Since I owe you a beer (or better yet – a whisky) – I nominate myself for the pink mustache award :)

    Steve O

    Just checking. Is there an official pre-Phoenix gathering?
    For people who are not reading this forum on a daily basis, what is the strategy for getting the word out?
    At the least, we need to post comments to the Strava Bike Arlington group and perhaps also to each of the teams.
    How else can we make sure everyone knows and what’s our strategy for getting coverage from Fox News, The Daily Show, New York Times and the City Paper?


    @Steve O 46661 wrote:

    Just checking. Is there an official pre-Phoenix gathering?
    For people who are not reading this forum on a daily basis, what is the strategy for getting the word out?
    At the least, we need to post comments to the Strava Bike Arlington group and perhaps also to each of the teams.

    Already done. Each team’s strava page had the information posted 3 days ago (strava says 2 days ago but I think I did it on Friday). Information has also been tweeted (in addition to being available here).



    @mllwhnp 46647 wrote:

    Since I owe you a beer (or better yet – a whisky) – I nominate myself for the pink mustache award :)

    HA HA…If you buy me a whisky I will make you a custom mustache in any color you want, just give me a day’s notice so I can get one sprayed for you.


    @Steve O 46661 wrote:

    Just checking. Is there an official pre-Phoenix gathering?
    For people who are not reading this forum on a daily basis, what is the strategy for getting the word out?
    At the least, we need to post comments to the Strava Bike Arlington group and perhaps also to each of the teams.
    How else can we make sure everyone knows and what’s our strategy for getting coverage from Fox News, The Daily Show, New York Times and the City Paper?


    I’ve been trying to reach out in all sorts of different ways, including posting comments to strava accounts of people who I think might not read the forum regularly. You were on my list, and I might even have posted to yours last night – I’m not sure though. All of this takes time, which I have little of, so I’m trying to do the best I can. Any help from anyone in getting the word out is greatly appreciated. I really appreciated rcannon100 posting to the team websites.

    Also – if you haven’t already done so, please let me know by private message or in a post if you plan to come. All the info about the happy hour is in a thread under “Commuters” and I will try to bump it up from time to time.




    @acl 45561 wrote:

    The list: pick anything that appeals to you.

    Highest per day mileage average
    Lowest per day mileage average
    Team with most sleaze days
    Individual with most sleaze days
    Team elevation gain
    Team time in saddle
    Team average speed
    individual elevation gain
    Individual time in saddle
    Individual average speed
    Coldest ride.
    Weekender: Person with the highest ratio of weekend miles to weekday miles.
    3rd placed rider in the 3rd placing team
    Most suspicious miles / ride
    Best Mardi Gras outfit pics required
    Biggest Sandbagger: Largest (by percentage?) deviation from handicap
    Most circuitious ride home
    Special award for those few who actually ride during whatever snow storm we might actually get
    Slowest mph during the beer ride next weekend
    Longest chain of bicycles and trailers pics required
    Meaning of Life award for the rider whose score ends with the numbers “42”
    Most times through the circle of doomed and survived
    Best winter kit pics required
    Something to do with Ninjas
    Crazy Ivan award for most harrowing experience
    Award for most interesting shape made from a ride’s GPS map?
    Luddite Award – Pen and pad set for the person with most rides manually entered.
    Queen or King of the World KOM/QOM earned furthest from DC (or, most QOM/KOMs earned outside the US?)
    Crash Test Dummy Award Team with most crashes
    Lanterne Rouge. Person who actually competed, but completed the least amount of points.
    Coffeenuer: Most rides with a stop at a coffee shop.
    Looenuer: . Most stops at a bathroom/porta-john. Possibly from next weeks beer ride
    Heaviest Ride: Commuter with picture/scale verified heaviest bike/rack/pannier/trailer rides (idea is that this would be their regular commuting bike, no kid trailers or things normally not on the bike during their commute):
    Truancy Award fewest number of days (>0) ridden
    Weekday Warrior highest ratio of weekday/weekend miles
    Earliest Bird most rides/miles between midnight and dawn
    Latest Owl most rides/miles between dusk and midnight

    Plus Hans’ latest data updates includes most miles below freezing, which seems like pretty apt award for a “Freezing Saddles” competition.

    Ok, so I’ve got the queries (Thanks a bunch Hozn!) for the Coldest Ride, Weekender, and Weekday Warrior. I think Hozn did the Nooner query. I’ll figure out the Freezing Saddle query later (Most miles ridden while the avg temperature for the ride < 32 F). I’ve done the queries for Most Rides that Ended After Sunset, which could also be turned around to Most Rides that Started Before Sunrise (Again, all built on the back of the hard work of those that have come before me).


    @Steve O 46661 wrote:

    Just checking. Is there an official pre-Phoenix gathering?
    For people who are not reading this forum on a daily basis, what is the strategy for getting the word out?
    At the least, we need to post comments to the Strava Bike Arlington group and perhaps also to each of the teams.
    How else can we make sure everyone knows and what’s our strategy for getting coverage from Fox News, The Daily Show, New York Times and the City Paper?

    I think that failure by a team member to read this forum daily (if not hourly) should result in that team losing 10 points for each day missed. :rolleyes:


    @Dickie 46681 wrote:

    HA HA…If you buy me a whisky I will make you a custom mustache in any color you want, just give me a day’s notice so I can get one sprayed for you.

    Green, thank you. You’ll have to remind me what kind of whisky- I remember something about Macallan…


    @sjclaeys 46729 wrote:

    I think that failure by a team member to read this forum daily (if not hourly) should result in that team losing 10 points for each day missed. :rolleyes:

    If Tim (or any other admin) pulled the server logs and saw just how many page refreshes came from my work IP…I would be SOOOOO embarassed.


    @mllwhnp 46730 wrote:

    Green, thank you. You’ll have to remind me what kind of whisky- I remember something about Macallan…

    Please use the formal, The Macallan. There is but one.:)


    @dbb 46735 wrote:

    Please use the formal, The Macallan. There is but one.:)

    sounds like I need to bring a bottle of The Macallan for sharing ;)


    @sjclaeys 46729 wrote:

    I think that failure by a team member to read this forum daily (if not hourly) should result in that team losing 10 points for each day missed. :rolleyes:



    @PeteD 46728 wrote:

    Ok, so I’ve got the queries (Thanks a bunch Hozn!) for the Coldest Ride, Weekender, and Weekday Warrior. I think Hozn did the Nooner query. I’ll figure out the Freezing Saddle query later (Most miles ridden while the avg temperature for the ride < 32 F). I’ve done the queries for Most Rides that Ended After Sunset, which could also be turned around to Most Rides that Started Before Sunrise (Again, all built on the back of the hard work of those that have come before me).

    I think if you just want most miles where average is below 32f that should be the report on the indiv leaderboard. (Hint: I think it’s Dirt by quite a margin.)

    Of course would be happy to have someone double check my queries!


    @mllwhnp 46757 wrote:

    sounds like I need to bring a bottle of The Macallan for sharing ;)

    Let the green paint fly as The Macallan consumeth…..


    @hozn 46762 wrote:

    Of course would be happy to have someone double check my queries!

    I don’t know anything about all of this coding, but I did have one quick question…..I noticed that the overall individual leaderboard is different on your site and the official leaderboard. Any reason that some of the folks are missing on yours? I like it, because my overall standing is better, but just curious.

    By the way, all the data is awesome. I’ve enjoyed looking thru it all!

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