For Sale – Vintage Mens Schwinn World

Our Community Forums Classifieds For Sale – Vintage Mens Schwinn World

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  • #910402

    Good morning,

    If you have a friend considering starting biking to work etc this is a great bike for that. Comes with all you need for commuting:

    While vintage, it is in great condition. I use it every day to commute 5 miles and also for working out (25 miles 2-3 times a week). I have ridden 2 centuries (100 miles) on it this summer. It comes with everything you need for commuting:

    this basket attached in the back (fits several grocery bags or a large gym back)
    this drink holder
    this pump
    – basic blue helmet
    – kickstand
    – spare tire (havent had to change one since I bought it in April)

    This is a complete set of what you would need if you were going to start commuting to work. It does not look like a 1000 dollar bike, but it is a great bike that will get you where you need to go. It will get you to the gym, work, across town, or will help you work out and explore the varioius trails around DC. It does not need major upkeep and will serve you well. In the 6 months that I have had it I have not had to change a tire once or fix anything at all. Just lube it up, pump the tires, tighten up the screws and you are good for another two weeks.

    I bought this bike for $250 in April, so I am selling it for $200 and you get to keep all the things I added onto it.

    Let me know if you would like to see it. I can meet at courthouse/clarendon after 5 or Rosslyn during the day.

    Call/Text anytime – 202-568-1624



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