Okay, I know I posted it before, but I couldn’t change the heading, so I wondered if people were missing it. Too much abbreviation causes glaze effect. Same rules, same everything except the title and one “maybe” to rule 3! Starts Feb 1 – so get your hashtag fingers flexing! #FirstTimeFS
This is your first time, and you’re thinking, “This isn’t so bad” or “Geez, how do people do this every day?” Either way, we’re at the point where people start having to “dig” to get through because it’s likely that in February the weather will try to conspire to keep us all inside.
SO, for those of you who haven’t been through an ENTIRE winter on your bike, a special prize is up for grabs.
This is open to:
1.First time Freezing Saddles players (really first time, not tried before and didn’t make it through) who
2. Ride your bike (or a CABI, rental or friend’s, but yes, it has to be a bike) outside at least 5 miles every day from February 1 to the end of Freezing Saddles (Midnight March 19) AND
3. All of the rides must be in the DMV (which is DC, Maryland, or Virginia). (Having done a number of my rides in the sunny southwest last year, I know that’s easier so it doesn’t really count as suffering) If you have to travel for work, go ahead and do your rides and hashtag them. If it’s someplace that doesn’t make me envious (i.e., someplace very warm and easy to ride), I might include those rides
Use hashtag #FirstTimeFS
Prize will be awarded by gathering the Strava handles of all who make it through with a 5+mile ride every day Feb 1 – midnight Mar 19 and then drawing a name from that list.
Hint: It’s MUCH easier to get through if you find groups to ride with. Small groups (2 or 3) or big groups (20+). Suffering together makes it manageable!
This prize begins on February 1. So if you haven’t been riding every day, here’s a chance to finish STRONG!