Data and techie stuff thread for BAFS 2016

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Data and techie stuff thread for BAFS 2016

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  • #917668
    Steve O

    Just wondering if it would be possible to link the old Freezing Saddles web pages somewhere on the page? In addition to the team and individual points, it would be great to see the previous Data Exploration, Pointless data, etc. Even the pics would be great, although I think they vanished after a certain number or something. Essentially the whole thing. Even if they are just static screenshots or something, it would definitely be cool.

    I think the 2013 page is still somewhere on the internet, but not sure where.


    Those pages are no longer on the Freezing Saddles site, because the data was cleared out. However, if you go to the registration page for this year, there is a link to the archived individual scores from last year, which in turn links to archived team scores. (You may have to click an x on the header thingie on the individual scores to see the link to the team scores.)

    Steve O

    @cvcalhoun 129862 wrote:

    Those pages are no longer on the Freezing Saddles site, because the data was cleared out. However, if you go to the registration page for this year, there is a link to the archived individual scores from last year, which in turn links to archived team scores. (You may have to click an x on the header thingie on the individual scores to see the link to the team scores.)

    Correct. But that’s just a little peak into last year’s info. I was thinking it would be cool to archive the 2015 and 2014 and 2013 complete sites with the information all in there somewhere. For historical interest.


    @Steve O 129866 wrote:

    Correct. But that’s just a little peak into last year’s info. I was thinking it would be cool to archive the 2015 and 2014 and 2013 complete sites with the information all in there somewhere. For historical interest.

    The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, and it will quickly and rightly forget that we rode here.


    @Steve O 129866 wrote:

    Correct. But that’s just a little peak into last year’s info. I was thinking it would be cool to archive the 2015 and 2014 and 2013 complete sites with the information all in there somewhere. For historical interest.

    You’ll have to ask hozn about that one. The database was cleared out at the end of each year. The Internet Archive didn’t archive the site for the first time until the beginning of 2015. So 2013 and 2014 are gone for good already, unless hozn saved the data he deleted somewhere (and is willing to put it back somewhere).

    The most recent pics from 2015 are still available via this link.


    I will make an good, but timeboxed effort to get previous year(s) up for reference. I agree it is a good idea. We definitely have the old datasets, though probably the databases from previous years won’t be compatible anymore.

    Steve O

    What hashtag should be used to have recent photos appear on the Freezing Saddles home page?
    Instagram? Any other social media?

    Also, any specifics that can be provided to new players regarding the web site I’m sure would be appreciated.


    @Steve O 130646 wrote:

    What hashtag should be used to have recent photos appear on the Freezing Saddles home page?
    Instagram? Any other social media?

    Also, any specifics that can be provided to new players regarding the web site I’m sure would be appreciated.

    Last year, the hashtag for Instagram was #BAFS2015. I’m assuming that it will be #BAFS2016 this year.

    However, the only way that photos appeared on the Freezing Saddles home page last year was if they got associated with a Strava ride (which at that point happened only if you linked your Strava and Instagram accounts). This year, Strava has its own photos feature, which does not require use of Instagram. You would have to check with hozn as to whether photos that are added directly to Strava, as opposed to getting synced from Instagram, will automatically show up under recent photos on the Freezing Saddles site if they are associated with a ride that is counted for Freezing Saddles, or whether some other mechanism is required.


    We will need to update the code to support the non-insta photos, but this shall be done.


    Would this be a good place to ask about a leader board issue? The two people currently holding us all on their shoulders only have 1 point each, but show 1 mile and 1 day ridden. Other 1 mile/1 day riders show 11 points. Did they just ride short miles?


    @jwetzel 130730 wrote:

    Would this be a good place to ask about a leader board issue? The two people currently holding us all on their shoulders only have 1 point each, but show 1 mile and 1 day ridden. Other 1 mile/1 day riders show 11 points. Did they just ride short miles?

    Yes. If you ride < 1.0 mile then you don't get the bonus 10 points (per day). Note that Strava records in metric/SI measurements under the hood, so there is rounding involved. I think there was an issue in a previous year where some people unintentionally ended up with 0.99 mile rides. The leaderboard also rounds to the nearest mile. One of those two riders did a 0.6 mile ride, for example.


    For some reason my rides from Jan 1, 2, & 3 don’t show up in the stats. It may be because I didn’t join the FS Strava club until then, but I thought it would go back and grab those rides. Any ideas how to get them included?


    @Hancockbs 131694 wrote:

    For some reason my rides from Jan 1, 2, & 3 don’t show up in the stats. It may be because I didn’t join the FS Strava club until then, but I thought it would go back and grab those rides. Any ideas how to get them included?

    Do they show up on the “my rides” page? — which you get to by clicking “Log In” on upper right of FS website.


    @hozn 131701 wrote:

    Do they show up on the “my rides” page? — which you get to by clicking “Log In” on upper right of FS website.

    Yes, they do show on the FS site, but don’t show on the Strava FS or Team 13 groups.


    Not sure, then, sorry. If they are on the FS site, they are “in Strava”. Typically when you look at a club page you are just seeing past week, so that is likely the issue?

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