BAFS2021 Team 14

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  • #922120

    Welcome to BAFS2021 Team Fourteen

    You lucky devils have me as your Captain! I used to be hardcore, commuting year round in Calgary (for 10 years)…but with every year in the DMV, I get softer and softer so I need BAFS to try and keep me from surrendering completely :D
    I’ll be setting up a Facebook group and hope to meet you albeit in a physically-distanced outdoors and masked COVID-appropriate way :-)

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    And…my best advice for BAFS2021? RIDE. EVERY. DAY. …at least a mile. If you can do 11 miles…that’s optimum! If you wanna do more….good on ya!

    Happy ridin’!



    @DrBullet 203324 wrote:

    Welcome to BAFS2021 Team Fourteen
    Let me know if you have any questions.

    And…my best advice for BAFS2021? RIDE. EVERY. DAY. …at least a mile. If you can do 11 miles…that’s optimum! If you wanna do more….good on ya!

    Can you post the link to our Strava club please? We won’t show up on the leaderboards until people have joined the team Strava club.


    @DrBullet 203324 wrote:

    And…my best advice for BAFS2021? RIDE. EVERY. DAY. …at least a mile. If you can do 11 miles…that’s optimum! If you wanna do more….good on ya!


    Hi! I’m Richard Bullington-McGuire, and this is my 5th year of Freezing Saddles. I took up biking more seriously about 9 years ago and have been getting more involved in the DC cycling community for the past few years. In normal years, I might bike commute a couple times a week from Arlington to Reston, or ride the Arlington Loop on the weekend. This past year has been anything but normal though!

    I also am the primary maintainer of the Freezing Saddles web site at https//, for every season since the 2019 one.

    I plan on riding at least 3 miles per day this year, and so far I’ve kept to that (I still need to ride today). I had my first perfect season last year where I rode every day and the 2 previous seasons I managed to ride every day but one.

    I would probably participate more in a Facebook group or the Strava club than a forum thread for our team.


    Team 14 has adopted a new name: Team Beer Necessities…[ATTACH=CONFIG]23028[/ATTACH]
    …most of the chat is in the Strava Club:

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