Article: How to ride a bike the right way, using science

Our Community Forums General Discussion Article: How to ride a bike the right way, using science

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  • #917951
    Tim Kelley

    @Tim Kelley 136053 wrote:

    Rollers. Good god man, think of the children! I have a trainer, sure, but you’ll never get me on rollers.


    “… those folks you see wobbling uncomfortably down the street on a CitiBike…”

    In an article in the WASHINGTON Post. That’s just pitiful.


    I’m trying to figure out how they determine the so-called expert cyclists use their bodies to steer more than the “CitiBike” non-experts if they were on rollers. I’m thinking you start doing a lean turn on rollers and you end up like I did on my lean turn on a wet wooden MVT bridge–face against the ground and bike askew.


    That chart of cyclist vs non cyclist handlebar pressure is clearly just showing how people who are not as comfortable on bikes in general are panicking for much longer periods of time while trying to find their balance in what is guaranteed to be a new and difficult situation for them. What a preposterous way to try to get useable comparison data on “how to turn” :confused:


    @Terpfan 136267 wrote:

    I’m trying to figure out how they determine the so-called expert cyclists use their bodies to steer more than the “CitiBike” non-experts if they were on rollers. I’m thinking you start doing a lean turn on rollers and you end up like I did on my lean turn on a wet wooden MVT bridge–face against the ground and bike askew.

    I wonder which group would be the most successful at executing the “leanless turn” necessary to navigate a slippery Trollheim? Based on the number of “expert cyclists” (I mean, at least they were dressed that way) I’ve seen fall down there, I have no prior.


    @bentbike33 136366 wrote:

    I wonder which group would be the most successful at executing the “leanless turn” necessary to navigate a slippery Trollheim? Based on the number of “expert cyclists” (I mean, at least they were dressed that way) I’ve seen fall down there, I have no prior.

    I would like to think I became an expert at Trollheim since I never fell there, but then I also fell on a nice warm November day on the first wooden bridge over the small marsh just north of OT on the MVT trail and I’ve ridden across it countless times… so, yah.

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