Note to self: When trying to take a stealth photo of young men running as they BLOCK the trail for BAFS #scavhunt try not to look like a little crazy old woman wearing a hi-viz raincoat on a bike. 👵🏼🟡🌧️🚲
1/25/24 — I found a vehicle partially BLOCKing the crosswalk on my way home (but I was too slow with my phone to get the picture with the little person walking sign lit up)
1/25/2024 block there’s a motorcycle repair shop called blockhead moto garage about 10 miles from where I’m staying but unfortunately it’s in a nondescript building with no sign! Luckily the building is just a big block
This street (on the right side of the pic) is the short BLOCK of N McKinley Rd, which dead ends at the bottom of the li’l access trail that comes from the pedestrian overpass from the W&OD. The trail to the pedestrian overpass (left side of this pic) is BLOCKED to traffic.