2024 Photo Scavenger Hunt – Rules and Alternate Words

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition 2024 Photo Scavenger Hunt – Rules and Alternate Words

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    1/8/2024 – Final

    Stopped by the National Military Family Association on Eisenhower Avenue in Alexandria.  This office also includes the administrative offices for “Final Salute, Inc.,” a locally based, female veteran-founded and run service organization whose mission is to help homeless female veterans.  Final Salute gets a 97% rating on Charity Navigator. The offices were closed when I stopped by but I got a picture through their door. https://www.finalsaluteinc.org/Home.html


    1/8/24 Final


    Aaron bikes

    01/08/24 FINAL resting placeFinal resting place


    01/08/24 Final


    1/8/2024 – sadly, these are the final hours for the DC Craft Brew Cellar on 3rd and H NE (tomorrow is the last day)


    1/8/2024 – Final

    The hotel parking lot was the ‘final’ part of my ride.


    1/8/2024 – final

    This checkerboard pattern is used on flags during car raves to indicate the end of the final lap.


    1/8/24 scavhunt FINAL

    Gee I thought this was such an original idea (Lynn Sa’s, not even mine!) but it seems a lot of others thought of it too.  However, mine has a twist…. The FREEDMAN’s Cemetery in Alexandria is the final resting place for not just anyone but slaves.  And I have a song to go with it, cuz it’s been playing in my head ever since I stopped at the slave cemetery for this pic.  The nsong is worth listening to or at least reading. At least the first few lines…..
    So, pic first, then song link.

    The song is Fuel by Ani DiFranco https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KksQiHpwZeY

    Here are the lyrics — so you can see why I kept hearing the song, even if you don’t feel like playing music right now.

    They were digging a new foundation in manhattan
    And they discovered a slave cemetary there
    May their souls rest easy
    Now that lynching is frowned upon
    And we’ve moved on to the electric chair
    And i wonder who’s gonna be president, tweedle dum or tweedle dummer?
    And who’s gonna have the big blockbuster box office this summer?
    How about we put up a wall between houses and the highway
    And you can go your way, and i can go my way
    Except all the radios agree with all the tvs
    And the magazines agree with all the radios
    And i keep hearing that same damn song everywhere i go
    Maybe i should put a bucket over my head
    And a marshmallow in each ear
    And stumble around for another dumb-numb week
    For another hum drum hit song to appear
    People used to make records
    As in a record of an event
    The event of people playing music in a room
    Now everything is cross-marketing
    Its about sunglasses and shoes
    Or guns and drugs
    You choose
    We got it rehashed
    We got it half-assed
    We’re digging up all the graves
    And we’re spitting on the past
    And you can choose between the colors
    Of the lipstick on the whores
    Cause we know the difference between
    The font of 20% more
    And the font of teriyaki
    You tell me
    How does it make you feel?
    You tell me what’s real?
    And they say that alcoholics are always alcoholics
    Even when they’re as dry as my lips for years
    Even when they’re stranded on a small desert island
    With no place within 2, 000 miles to buy beer
    And i wonder
    Is he different?
    Is he different?
    Has he changed? what’s he about?…
    Or is he just a liar with nothing to lie about?
    Am I headed for the same brick wall
    Is there anything i can do about
    Anything at all?
    Except go back to that corner in Manhattan
    And dig deeper, dig deeper this time
    Down beneath the impossible pain of our history
    Beneath unknown bones
    Beneath the bedrock of the mystery
    Beneath the sewage systems and the path train
    Beneath the cobblestones and the water mains
    Beneath the traffic of friendships and street deals
    Beneath the screeching of kamikaze cab wheels
    Beneath everything i can think of to think about
    Beneath it all, beneath all get out
    Beneath the good and the kind and the stupid and the cruel
    There’s a fire just waiting for fuel
    There’s a fire just waiting for fuel
    There’s a fire just waiting for fuel
    There’s a fire just waiting for fuel
    There’s a fire just waiting for fuel
    There’s a fire just waiting…

    Boomer Cycles

    1/8/24 – Final Approach to DCA @ Gravelly PointFinal Approach

    Boomer Cycles

    Belated posts from when the Forum was offline until I just now figured out how to access it anew:

    1/8/24 – Stoney

    Stoney scavhunt
    1/7/24 – Stone


    1/8/24 – FINAL

    Final place where a person can see someone before they are buried or cremated


    01/08/2024 – FINAL
    FINAL resting place, similar to many other scav hunters :))01/08/2024 FINAL</p>


    1/8/24 Final

    It’s the final stop on the blue line.


    1/8 final





    The song in my head was “the final countdown” so I photographed a walk sign counting down to 0, but then I passed by this window announcing a group’s final days at this location, “a sweet ending to new beginning.”


    1/8/24 final

    Final car of the metro which I boarded for my trip home this evening.

Viewing 15 posts - 271 through 285 (of 2,273 total)
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