2024 Photo Scavenger Hunt – Rules and Alternate Words

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition 2024 Photo Scavenger Hunt – Rules and Alternate Words

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    Boomer Cycles

    3/14 – The Kabob Place on S Eads near DCA has apparently been open 24 hours a day SINCE 1992Since


    😆 I vote for @drevil @ his hysterical post. Though I hafta admit I also enjoyed @aaronbikes’ post. My kids went to WL and both approved the renaming. (It probably didn’t hurt that it’s an awesome school that they both had great experiences at.)


    3/14/24 – SINCE

    It’s been awhile SINCE she lived in here, and even longer SINCE she was a little girl…. But my daughter renamed these “Stinky Trees,” and when I ride by them I remember why 😆My husband says  they’re actually called Callery Pears.Every spring when they bloomed Emily would say “Oh hey the stinky trees are in bloom again.”

    Laurie E.

    3/14/24 – Since

    ‘Since’ the #Bingo word today is ‘train’, I rode to Branch Ave Metro Station and took a picture of the ‘train’ on the tracks.


    3-14-24 SINCE soon after WWI, the Battery Park Neighborhood (c 1923) was developed and highly desirable area of Bethesda. I could tell that the clubhouse was an old home. Turns out, it’s over 100 years old.
    <h2>Battery Park History
    After World War I, four military officers formed a real estate development company. Major H.C. Maddux assumed the presidency of Maddux, Marshall, Moss & Mallory. From their company headquarters located at the National Capital Building (923 15th Street), they controlled and managed five of Washington’s most prominent hotels as well as Washington Gardens, Garrett Park, a group of homes in Luzon Heights, and a community of small farms near Waldorf. By March of 1923, Maddux, Marshall, Moss & Mallory had purchased the 53.59 acre farm wedged between Wilson’s Lane and Georgetown Road and developed the site for the construction of new homes. The subdivision was formally approved on May 1, 1923.</h2>
    The developers intended to create a restricted community reserved only for military personnel. Tradition holds that the name “Battery Park” derives from early residents who were World War I veterans from the same artillery battery. This attractive neighborhood, however, soon drew the attention of the general public who also sought to settle in the area. As a result of this interest, the developers finally relented and opened access to civilians “who would measure up to the standards required to live in Battery Park”. The development and sales of Battery Park properties were so successful that the Maddux Company was called upon to take over real estate sales in Edgemoor.

    Prior to Battery Park’s initial residential development, there was a vegetable truck garden on some of the land, and a few stands of trees, but the area was largely bare of houses, streets or utilities. The first houses (5203, 5205, 5207, and 5211 Wilson Lane) were completed by the end of 1923, and in the next year another 40 were added. Growth was steady, though slowed by the stock market crash of 1929. By the time of Pearl Harbor in 1941, there were houses built on almost 90 per cent of all the lots.

    Construction was not typical of the mass-produced housing of today. Foundations were excavated by a horse-drawn metal scoop. Galvanized pipe was threaded by hand. There were no electric saws to cut the full-size 2×4’s. Covenants required that houses cost at least $6,500 and some were in the $9,000 to $12,000 range. The Dutch Colonial with its gambrel roof was a favorite in Battery Park, as it was all over Washington DC and the whole eastern U.S. Bathrooms in the basement bespoke a day when servants were expected and affordable.

    School was at Bethesda Elementary and the B-CC High School on Leland Street, until the first of the new high school buildings on East-West Highway opened in September 1937. As is today, there was an annual 4th of July parade at the Clubhouse with bunting-decorated bicycles. Battery Park remains a desirable neighborhood in bustling DC suburbs

    Downloaded from batteryparkmd.org on 3-14-24 at 22:35


    3/14/2024 – since

    Since the cherry blossoms are starting to peak, please also remember the injustice shown to Japanese Americans during WWII, by order of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who were forcibly relocated and incarcerated. About 125,284 people of Japanese descent were sent to 75 identified incarceration sites for up to 4 years.

    Stop by to visit the memorial on Louisiana Ave and D Streets, NW.

    Sophie CW

    3/14/24 – Mama Lucia has been serving fresh Italian cooking SINCE 1992


    3/15/24 Your Wordle for today is




    Don’t blow anything up that will get you arrested.


    3/15/24 ERUPT

    The skies in Rockville today are still smoky from the large oil tank fire that erupted at this quarry yesterday.


    3/15 – ERUPT

    Call me crazy, but methinks they should’ve closed this part of the Paint Branch Trail that goes underneath Route 1 to the University of Maryland because of the molten metal (from the bridge welding work), dropping onto the path and erupting into a thousand sparks.

    Sparks on the trail

    Aaron bikes

    @drevil, after seeing your post, please accept my humble submission for today:


    Hahaha @aaron bikes. I hope I didn’t make you self-conscious with my post yesterday. I enjoy your pics and captions!


    @drevil Ack! You know, I noticed that spot had something weird on the ground there and I had hoped it wasn’t glass. But it was too dark to see because, thankfully, it wasn’t happening when I passed through!



    3/15/24 – Erupt – This cherry tree has erupted into bloom!


    @drevil — you have the most incredible timing! What are the odds that would have been going on when you were coming by just LOOKING for eruptions. Wow…and kinda scary!

    @aaronbikes and @drevil – you two get the “MAS” award this year (mutual admiration society).  I love this.

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