Many agencies and companies are beginning to consider how the might implement best practices and metrics related to ESG (Environment, Sustainability, Governance) on the transportation front. Being the self-interested bike commuter that I am, I thought I would reach out to see if others had thoughts on how to prod my employer to measure things well.
A bit about my employer, my building is in a bike-able location at a metro station (yay), provides indoor bike parking and a gym (yay, although this should be standard), free vehicle parking (boo), no subsidy for bikeshare (boo). While I appreciate the bike parking and gym, its clear that no one in management actually bikes to work or they might get rid of some of their dumb policies, but I digress.
Obviously, the above are not necessarily end objectives themselves, but curious what others have seen or considered as far as what employers can measure on the ESG front. I’d like to prepared on this so that I can provide input when the time comes.