Team 3: Ice Cubed!

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  • #920101


    Welcome Team Ice ^3. It was great to meet those of you that made it to the Happy Hour last night.

    This thread will be your one stop for all activities/ideas & shenanigans for our team.

    As your captain, I have created a Strava club for our team, BAFS 2018 Team 3: Ice Cubed. Please join the club. This is a great way to encourage each other and see the great rides we are all having.

    Please take a moment to introduce yourselves on the forum.

    I’d like to plan our first team ride for Tuesday, January 16th after work starting from DC. Any ideas for destinations or routes you’d like to explore?

    Welcome to Team Ice ^3,the chillest, cubist BAFS team! We will ice out the competition!


    Heyyyyy Team Ice^3 teammates! I’m very excited for this season of freezing saddles! It was great to meet alot of you at the happy hour last night. I’m in for a team ride on Tuesday 1/16! For future group rides, Tuesdays are not the best day for me because I sometimes do an indoor computrainer class on Tuesday nights. But I’m happy to skip it for a team ride next week.

    I know we covered alot of introductions last night, but for any teammates that weren’t there…I live just south of Columbia Heights near Meridian Hill park and I work downtown at 20th and L. While my job keeps me pretty busy, my working hours are pretty flexible in terms of starting late or cutting out a little early sometimes. I can be guilt-tripped into morning rides before work and can definitely do evening rides during the week. Weekends tend to be busy for me, but with a little advanced planning, I’d be happy to meet up for some weekend rides too.

    I enjoy everything from casual rides on my single speed commuter to some long-ish road rides and also some C&O canal riding. I am working on being a little more tough in cold temps – I’ve always had problems with cold toes, but I just got some winter cycling shoes that I’m hoping will help with that. I’m good to go on rides under an hour in pretty much any temperature/weather condition, though. I’m also trying to make this my third straight year where I ride every day during freezing saddles. This will probably involve LOTS of sleaze rides for me. :)

    Oh, and thank you to @SarahBee for setting up the strava club (just joined it) and for finding that PERFECT ice cubed image to be our team logo for this season. :)


    Hey team! I’m sorry I wasn’t able to make the happy hour, but I came down with a nasty respiratory infection yesterday morning and spent most of the day in the fetal position on my couch.

    Anyway, I’m Marc. I typically ride 2-4 times a week depending on weather and my work schedule. But my commute is 25 miles, so I make up for infrequency with distance. I’m not a huge fan of recreational rides in the cold, but I’m gonna try to do a few this BAFS season.

    I live in Capitol Hill but commute to McLean, so I’d definitely be down for post-work social rides on the C&O or the ART especially.

    Oh, and an important note. I keep my commutes private on Strava, so I don’t show up on the Strava leaderboard, but everything does get counted on the BAFS website.


    Hi Everyone! Great intros thus far. Wanted to give you an update that we have 8 of 11 riders signed up on the Strava club. Thank you! We are still missing 3 more. Since your forum names don’t always match your Strava names, you may or may not have joined if you are

    Maureen Boyle

    You can join the club and start earning us points by going to the following link:

    Enjoy the nice weather everyone & keep up the great work!

    Viva la ice ^3!!!!

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    Sent my request to join moments ago.

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    @Raymo853 171663 wrote:

    Sent my request to join moments ago.

    Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

    For an intro: I am an ex DC person. Did BAFS 3 times before, once as a captain. Am in the middle of moving from Loveand CO to rural VA south of Richmond. Fear I will not be getting many miles in between packing, driving cross country twice, dealing with movers, real estate agents, ….

    Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk


    I had a great time meeting some of you last night! This is my first year doing Freezing Saddles and I’m hoping it’ll keep me motivated through the winter. I’m up for a ride on Tuesday. I live in Columbia Heights and work in L’Enfant Plaza and I’ve done after work rides on the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail, Capital Crescent, Hains Point, and the Arlington Loop–so I’d be up for doing one of those or something new!



    If you don’t have any plans this Monday, consider going to Boomer2u’s farewell ride starting for 9am January 15th @Lazy Mike’s Deli 7049 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22046, USA.

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    I have to work. [emoji22]

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    Hi all,

    It was great to meet many of you at the opening happy hour last week. This is my first freezing saddles and my first winter in DC. So far I’m disappointed with the small amount of snow and large amount of salt…. and very much relating to this article in the post

    I live in Mount Pleasant and work just south of Dupont. I’m a daily bike commuter and sometimes will squeeze a long weekend ride in. I’m generally down for some post-work rides during the week. For those I might transition from my trusty 80s schwinn steel commuter clunker to my road bike.

    Looking forward to riding with you all!

    – Claire


    Thanks everyone for the intros thus far. Good news, everyone is signed up to our Strava team! Reminder, our first team social event is this Thursday, 6:00pm at the lodge in front of the Washington Monument. Infiltrators are welcome, but only true ice cubeds will receive their 2018 commemorative cube. Hang it from your saddle bag or wherever. Pairs great with Komorebi’s zipper pulls. Keep up the riding. You’re doing great.

    Over & out,

    Sarah Beea3a8d4d2998f5613fb7ef1a81154c452.jpg

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    Sorry for the repeat


    Sorry for the repeat x2


    Great first team ice ^3 social event everyone. It was great turn out and a great night to ride. It was so nice hanging out with all of you! Peter suggested we do another team ride next week. Thursday’s seem to work well for most as did the meeting spot. Would a team member like to own the ride next week? Take us on one of your favorite paths with a nice hangout spot at the end? I figure if we take turns, we’ll get a chance to know you better and travel some trails we may or may not have tried before. Any takers? Viva la ice ^3!

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