Data & techie stuff for BAFS 2017

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition Data & techie stuff for BAFS 2017

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  • #918868
    Steve O

    I noticed that the FS website is showing recent photos.
    Please remind us how that happens. Are all photos associated with a Strava ride shown on the website, or do we need to hashtag them?

    If it’s all photos, is there a way to opt out of having a photo shown on the website?

    What about Instagram? Is there a hashtag to use?

    Any other instructions or tips about photos on the Freezing Saddles website?



    This is good info to know, especially for the sock game pointless prize. 😎

    Although, I think I might be doing a separate hashtag for that on Instagram, just to make it easier on myself.

    Steve O

    I’d like to suggest a tweak to the home page that might keep interest among all the teams longer and perhaps increase opportunities for smack talk.

    Something like this, with direct links to several of the leaderboards directly from the home page:

    Teams that have fallen out of the running early based on traditional points may still have other leaderboards where they are in competition.

    The categories shown on the home page could be whatever we like, but I think the more that are directly clickable (without ridiculous clutter) the better and the more fun for all.


    Looks like all the photos uploaded with Strava(included those with Instagram) will be shown here.
    Hashtag may be a better idea to filter BAFS relevant photos.
    @Steve O 150281 wrote:

    I noticed that the FS website is showing recent photos.
    Please remind us how that happens. Are all photos associated with a Strava ride shown on the website, or do we need to hashtag them?

    If it’s all photos, is there a way to opt out of having a photo shown on the website?

    What about Instagram? Is there a hashtag to use?

    Any other instructions or tips about photos on the Freezing Saddles website?



    Am I the only one who can’t see Steve O’s image?


    @jrenaut 150594 wrote:

    Am I the only one who can’t see Steve O’s image?

    upper left corner

    Steve O

    @jrenaut 150594 wrote:

    Am I the only one who can’t see Steve O’s image?

    I can see it, of course, but maybe if I try a different way.


    Ah, ok. That’s actually very simple for the most part. We don’t have a good way to make a beerneuring leaderboard, though. We could do it with a hashtag but it would be self-reported and no way to verify, although I guess that’s more or less how it is now.


    @jrenaut 150606 wrote:

    We don’t have a good way to make a beerneuring leaderboard, though. We could do it with a hashtag but it would be self-reported and no way to verify, although I guess that’s more or less how it is now.

    The self-reporting is part of the strategy, at least in the last day or two. 😎


    @jrenaut 150606 wrote:

    Ah, ok. That’s actually very simple for the most part. We don’t have a good way to make a beerneuring leaderboard, though. We could do it with a hashtag but it would be self-reported and no way to verify, although I guess that’s more or less how it is now.

    As the Beerneuring brewmaster, I keep a tally of the score and have posted it periodically. If one really wants to figure it out them selves, they probably could, though I’m the final arbiter of what counts.

    Steve O

    @sjclaeys 150613 wrote:

    As the Beerneuring brewmaster, I keep a tally of the score and have posted it periodically. If one really wants to figure it out them selves, they probably could, though I’m the final arbiter of what counts.

    Not being technical, I don’t know how easy this would be.
    What if the owner of the pointless prize (in this case sjclaeys) had a place on line where they could update the stats directly and then the website would draw from that. Maybe a Google Doc or something?
    So Steve would just update when he can, and the FS website would automatically capture it. This could also work for other ones like bicycle tag, London Bridge and the wicked-cool social prize.


    @Steve O 150618 wrote:

    Not being technical, I don’t know how easy this would be.
    What if the owner of the pointless prize (in this case sjclaeys) had a place on line where they could update the stats directly and then the website would draw from that. Maybe a Google Doc or something?
    So Steve would just update when he can, and the FS website would automatically capture it. This could also work for other ones like bicycle tag, London Bridge and the wicked-cool social prize.

    Hmm. Interesting idea. If the coding powers that be can make that work somehow, I am willing to input the data for the social prizes. It might make things a bit more “social” as people are able to keep up with who is doing however many social events and start to one up the others. Oooh! This is going to be fun!


    @Steve O 150618 wrote:

    Not being technical, I don’t know how easy this would be.
    What if the owner of the pointless prize (in this case sjclaeys) had a place on line where they could update the stats directly and then the website would draw from that. Maybe a Google Doc or something?
    So Steve would just update when he can, and the FS website would automatically capture it. This could also work for other ones like bicycle tag, London Bridge and the wicked-cool social prize.

    I’ll go along with whatever is done, but do not really see the point of creating this extra work for the tech folks. Part of the fun of Beerneuring is following who goes where, what they had and what they thought. It isn’t just a game of collecting points. The points are a means to an end, not the end itself.

    Steve O

    @sjclaeys 150631 wrote:

    Part of the fun of Beerneuring is following who goes where, what they had and what they thought. It isn’t just a game of collecting points. The points are a means to an end, not the end itself.

    Agree completely.
    I think putting some sort of indicator–like a points button–on the website will guide many players who would otherwise never have heard of beerneuring. There should also be a link on the beerneuring points page to the forum thread. That way people who only log into have a pathway to find it.

    My point wasn’t to single out beerneuring in particular, but rather to suggest having several leaderboards equally represented on the home page. Insomuch as they help guide people to the side bets, social activities and other reindeer games, all the better.


    What about a way to feature the forum threads for the pointless prizes on the Freezing Saddles website? That’s much easier/faster to do, and also helps direct people to the forum, where they may become active participants.

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