Roosevelt Bridge Slalom Course

Our Community Forums Road and Trail Conditions Roosevelt Bridge Slalom Course

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  • #918381

    Hello —

    I’ve been out of town for a few days, so apologies if there is a thread already.

    Does anyone know what the heck is going on with the Roosevelt Bridge side path? This morning, coming from VA to DC, I had to dodge three big roadwork signs (facing the opposite way, so I assume they were to alert motorists to something). Then, about midway across the bridge, there were a ton of barrels obstructing the side path almost to the end of the bridge.

    Sorry I didn’t take photos — didn’t deem it safe to stop the bike and get out my phone — but they pose a huge hazard in an already narrow, confined space. Luckily, I didn’t come upon any oncoming traffic, which would have involved some tricky maneuvers. However, there was one very freaked out looking cyclist who I assume is a new commuter who kept stopping when she came to each successive obstacle.

    I didn’t see a sticky message for who to contact about Roosevelt Bridge issues. I will try to take photos tonight. An email address would be preferable because I don’t have a twitter account. I will send them photos and a link to this.




    There was nothing up last night, but they have been doing some bridge restoration at times, at least to the sidewalk. (In the mornings I go Georgetown so don’t know.) Anyone?


    They’re repaving at least one lane; this evening it had been milled. Agree that it’s annoying to have the cones and the signs on the already narrow sidewalk, but they did make an effort to put them as far over as possible, so it being Friday and me already on my first Saison, I’m going to choose not to worry about it.


    Here are the photos:


    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


    @huskerdont 142836 wrote:

    They’re repaving at least one lane; this evening it had been milled. Agree that it’s annoying to have the cones and the signs on the already narrow sidewalk, but they did make an effort to put them as far over as possible, so it being Friday and me already on my first Saison, I’m going to choose not to worry about it.

    For my own part, I could be generous, too, who doesn’t look for a challenge on a commute once in a while. But:

    -the barrels don’t seem to be necessary to the milling work

    -motorists don’t seem to be noticing the warning signs placed where they are; I witnessed one near miss collision while taking the photos when someone braked at the last moment just as they came upon the dropoff

    -I am a WABA instructor so I have to worry about the newbies, two of whom I saw looking a bit terrified today.



    the barrels are probably pre-positioned for a lane closure. the signs are a typical nuisance, the road crews simply do not care about blocking a sidewalk with a big-ass sign. (if they actually cared, they could put the sign on a big stick so it’s over everyone’s head instead of blocking the trail, but they don’t.) the best you could hope for is maybe another sign to watch out for signs ahead.


    Yes, that’s it–the barrels were put there after use and are left there to be used later. What they *could* do is load them onto a truck and unload them when needed, but this is easier, and hey, who cares about pedestrians and cyclists, it’s not my job.

    Obvs. I’m feeling a bit less generous on a Monday morning.

    Rod Smith

    Case Bridge is worse. I took some pics but accidentally deleted from my camera.


    I tweeted at DDOT, who said they were looking into it on Friday, so I was particularly annoyed to see the barrels still there today. Seriously, no reason to store barrels there.

    I actually think the barrels make the remaining space on the TR Bridge less than the remaining space on the Case Bridge (having ridden both with my wide bike recently). The barrels in particular are inexcusable.

    Rod Smith

    If I had been hauling my trailer Sunday I would still be on the Case Bridge today. No way I could get through or turn around. I think. You might be right but it seemed a lot tighter to me. If the barrels are still on the TR Bridge tomorrow I will move them to the other side of the guardrail.


    @Rod Smith 142938 wrote:

    If the barrels are still on the TR Bridge tomorrow I will move them to the other side of the guardrail.

    In my grumpy pre-leaving-DC mood last night I briefly considered this, but felt there was no justification in risking peoples’ safety. I briefly fantasized about throwing them all over the railing into the river too, but it’s not the river’s fault that people don’t give a rat’s.


    @huskerdont 142942 wrote:

    In my grumpy pre-leaving-DC mood last night I briefly considered this, but felt there was no justification in risking peoples’ safety. I briefly fantasized about throwing them all over the railing into the river too, but it’s not the river’s fault that people don’t give a rat’s.

    Actually there is plenty of room on the roadway, there are
    about 18 inches from the left side of the fog line to the curb and then at least an 11 foot wide lane. 😡

    Steve O

    @Rod Smith 142938 wrote:

    If I had been hauling my trailer Sunday I would still be on the Case Bridge today. No way I could get through or turn around. I think. You might be right but it seemed a lot tighter to me. If the barrels are still on the TR Bridge tomorrow I will move them to the other side of the guardrail.

    Or the other side of the railing. 😮


    When it comes to road work signs like this, I turn them diagonally so that they are 1) still readable by drivers and 2) not blocking the sidewalk/sidepath as much.

    @consularrider 142944 wrote:

    Actually there is plenty of room on the roadway, there are
    about 18 inches from the left side of the fog line to the curb and then at least an 11 foot wide lane. 😡

    I agree. The barrels should be stored in a non-used portion of the roadway which is the shoulder. I assume there are signs warning drivers of the upcoming road work, so having the barrels in the roadway should not surprise anyone*.

    Minor note: if this is supposed to be a proper slalom course, then every other barrel should be moved to the other side.

    * I say this knowing full well that some drivers who are not paying attention (texting, make-up, eating, radio, sleepy, drunk, missing a few marbles, take your pick) will still be surprised by them.


    @bobco85 142953 wrote:

    * I say this knowing full well that some drivers who are not paying attention (texting, make-up, eating, radio, sleepy, drunk, missing a few marbles, take your pick) will still be surprised by them.

    And soon all those playing Pokemon Go while driving…

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